Ed: it seems that, while penning this screed.. Mike covered the obvious rhetoric-disconnect of previous WH-tenant. But I'll leave in my version. w.t.f.
I never suggested he was a paragon, but tentatively.. at least credited him with sufficient self-awareness of his internal limitations as to: surround self with parties wiser in his negatives
(as, I Presume, most actually-intelligent folks Would! I. Mean: if’n a One hasn’t figured out That necessity—and you/the observer can discern that during the politico-BS-phase:--then is not That One an obvious FAIL??)
Hillary: it became obvious as, amidst the daily-din of previously-assigned [real? + bogus!] “questions” about her performance(s) ... ALL became conflated into a cacophony of ….
much the same Language-murther as we now daily revisit, from the alien-Repo pod-members.
With the failure of authentic ‘J’ournalism, the talent claimed by so many who do not grok that idea even a smidgeon: H’s press became ineluctably-toxic, remaining in that limbo for the duration.
(All successfully enhanced by the (current) *Liar-in-Chief
* A simple process well-grokked by this pond-scum financial manipulator, ESPECIALLY: when addressing mobs of--largely--the terminally-gullible; Welcome to Murica, Land descended from Slavers and Puritans.
[Duh: OF COURSE H. was Preferable on. all. counts. to current Occupant; hell, Audrey [cat] IS.]
But as Æ was fond of pointing out to us: Things should be made as simple as possible but not simpler. Right?
It may be that Bernie would have proved as defective?-thus-ineffective as you opine; would that eventuality have been ANY DIFFERENT from:
the well-packaged self-claimed virtues of … You Know Who: him who adopted much of the Shrub-mentality re
[a host of matters from stamping-out whistle blowers, despite his signature rhetoric of opposite mindset, maintaining the bloody PATRIOT-Act
and much of the Cheney—derived habits of That preposterous Last-Repo cabal.]
Hmmm? (You know my views re being-possessed-by Certainty (in virtually all matters)) Do try not to cross That er, [contemporary-platitudes-ON] Red-Line [cp-OFF] Okay?
When you've been running-on-empty (-Suits?) for too-long ... ... even a Chimera seems Real-er.
Most-ALL the "Issues" being wrestled-with--As WeSpeak--derive from the fucking Cheney Shogunate warz-still-in-"progress".
I never suggested he was a paragon, but tentatively.. at least credited him with sufficient self-awareness of his internal limitations as to: surround self with parties wiser in his negatives
(as, I Presume, most actually-intelligent folks Would! I. Mean: if’n a One hasn’t figured out That necessity—and you/the observer can discern that during the politico-BS-phase:--then is not That One an obvious FAIL??)
Hillary: it became obvious as, amidst the daily-din of previously-assigned [real? + bogus!] “questions” about her performance(s) ... ALL became conflated into a cacophony of ….
much the same Language-murther as we now daily revisit, from the alien-Repo pod-members.
With the failure of authentic ‘J’ournalism, the talent claimed by so many who do not grok that idea even a smidgeon: H’s press became ineluctably-toxic, remaining in that limbo for the duration.
(All successfully enhanced by the (current) *Liar-in-Chief
* A simple process well-grokked by this pond-scum financial manipulator, ESPECIALLY: when addressing mobs of--largely--the terminally-gullible; Welcome to Murica, Land descended from Slavers and Puritans.
[Duh: OF COURSE H. was Preferable on. all. counts. to current Occupant; hell, Audrey [cat] IS.]
But as Æ was fond of pointing out to us: Things should be made as simple as possible but not simpler. Right?
It may be that Bernie would have proved as defective?-thus-ineffective as you opine; would that eventuality have been ANY DIFFERENT from:
the well-packaged self-claimed virtues of … You Know Who: him who adopted much of the Shrub-mentality re
[a host of matters from stamping-out whistle blowers, despite his signature rhetoric of opposite mindset, maintaining the bloody PATRIOT-Act
and much of the Cheney—derived habits of That preposterous Last-Repo cabal.]
Hmmm? (You know my views re being-possessed-by Certainty (in virtually all matters)) Do try not to cross That er, [contemporary-platitudes-ON] Red-Line [cp-OFF] Okay?
When you've been running-on-empty (-Suits?) for too-long ... ... even a Chimera seems Real-er.
Most-ALL the "Issues" being wrestled-with--As WeSpeak--derive from the fucking Cheney Shogunate warz-still-in-"progress".