Post #419,067
7/21/17 1:48:22 PM
7/21/17 1:48:22 PM

Berniebros are a myth constructed by the Clinton campaign. You know this.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #419,081
7/21/17 9:22:12 PM
7/21/17 9:22:12 PM

You will recall that de black fohk…
withheld their votes in droves from the Sage of Burlington. Difficult to imagine why they would not have instantly recognized him as the champion of working people everywhere. I believe that a year ago you were saying here that they had been deluded or hypnotized by the Clintonistas, apparently lacking (being mere negroes and all) your own keen understanding of the class struggle.
Post #419,086
7/21/17 10:06:51 PM
7/21/17 10:06:51 PM

{chortle} ..well shut ma mouf
I plumb forgot that.. makin bushels of Good Sense ... gots Zippo to do with 'electability', that fine illustration of all which happens just as all the inner-demons race out-->together.. as you pull that lever/eyes closed (and nothin but turmoil in the decision-tree.) Izzat it?
Academic now, natch: I mean, what can an old guy >70 do, [an atheist too, even!] next? (hope I never get Really-old :-) Pulled that lever for Hillary (though in CA I could.. have indulged with relative satisfiction.) I fully expect that the Next focal-point for this jelloware is ~~ as apt to be unElectable as was B.S. (quelle unfortunate initials, those!}
Carrion ..may be all you Can 'elect'--even Next--within this shambles of those daily additions to the massive Dismantling-list.
Post #419,106
7/22/17 4:52:37 PM
7/22/17 4:52:37 PM

You Clinton apologists have that Big Lie thing down. I'm impressed.
Although I'll concede your propaganda that "Bernie only has support among Whites" may have cost him some support among POC. On Sunday, after Bernie Sanders' commanding wins in the Alaska, Hawaii and Washington state Democratic presidential caucuses, Leslie Lee III, an American freelance writer living in Japan, tweeted, "I knew it. I knew if Bernie won Hawaii it would magically become a white state."
And then he tweeted again: "Ever since I voted for Bernie, I've been bingewatching Friends. #BernieMadeMeWhite."
.@HillyesRose @MisaelFrancoO @TheBpDShow @cenkuygur Ever since I voted for Bernie, I've been bingewatching Friends. #BernieMadeMeWhite — L. (@tokyovampires) March 27, 2016
Lee said he wrote that to contradict a narrative he sees playing out in the race for the Democratic nomination.
"There's always been these articles about how Bernie supporters are basically only white people," Lee told NPR.
He continued, "Me, myself, and many other POC, people of color, who support Bernie Sanders, feel like we don't get to be a part of the conversation. We get ignored. We get erased. It's assumed that the black vote, the Hispanic vote, and everyone is all behind Hillary Clinton and none of us really get Bernie Sanders or like Bernie Sanders."
So he decided to have fun with it. "Hey, if you're gonna ignore me as a black person, I might as well embrace my whiteness," Lee said. "I might as well start watching Friends, or enjoying pumpkin spice latte, or whatever. I just wanted to have a bit of fun with it while highlighting the serious issue." ... "Among African-Americans, who are 17 through 29, Bernie Sanders is actually leading that group, 51 to 48 [percent]," he said. "Among 17- to 29-year-old Hispanics, Bernie Sanders leads Hillary Clinton 66-34." was Bernie doing in the sixties again? What was Hillary doing then? Oh, yeah, ...
But Goldwater did have the support of one notable American: Hillary Clinton.
"I was ... an active Young Republican and, later, a Goldwater Girl, right down to my cowgirl outfit and straw cowboy hat emblazoned with the slogan 'AuH20,'" Clinton wrote in her memoir "Living History."
"I liked Senator Goldwater because he was a rugged individualist who swam against the political tide."
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #419,109
7/22/17 5:16:40 PM
7/22/17 5:16:40 PM

Hawaii was a caucus. Bernie did well in caucuses. Film at 11.
Post #419,114
7/22/17 7:03:01 PM
7/22/17 7:03:01 PM

Very big of you, I’m sure
I'll concede your propaganda that "Bernie only has support among Whites" may have cost him some support among POC. Gee, that is too bad, considering that he didn’t have much support among those who actually voted in the primaries. “Cuz we’uns is jes’ simple cuhluh’d fohk, Marse Moffitt, n’ yew wasn’t heah to ’splain how dat debbil Miz Clinton wuz de secon’ comin’ o’ dat bad ol’ Sen’ Golhlwattah. Lawdie, all dat DNC prop’ganduh done skeer de lahf out o’ me, ’deed it done! Ah vote fo’ de lady ’cawse Ah dint know no bettah! Please, Marse Moffitt, not de whip!”curdially,
Post #419,117
7/22/17 8:33:43 PM
7/22/17 8:33:43 PM

That should be "mighty white of you!" :)
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #419,148
7/24/17 8:36:42 AM
7/24/17 8:36:42 AM

You call Cornel West an Uncle Tom, I take it.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #419,149
7/24/17 8:41:58 AM
7/24/17 8:41:58 AM

You're better than that...
Post #419,151
7/24/17 8:45:22 AM
7/24/17 8:50:09 AM

And yet, you didn't scold Rand. I was just asking for him to be consistent.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.

Edited by mmoffitt
July 24, 2017, 08:50:09 AM EDT
Post #419,152
7/24/17 8:52:33 AM
7/24/17 8:52:33 AM

And another thing. That's *RICH* coming from you.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #419,135
7/23/17 4:13:28 PM
7/23/17 4:16:47 PM

Ignore; dup
(Somewhere there must be a way to cause this browser not to revive all the formerly open windows after it is re-opened following a force-quit.

Edited by rcareaga
July 23, 2017, 04:16:47 PM EDT