whether deluded by myopia or not: I always look for, (~~) How? would [this person] likely respond to either [or both!]

A) Confucius's fine paragraph (concluding ~ "..hence it matters above all else that Language be correct.")
ie Antonym: Language Murder. (or Murther if-going-for-Effect)

B) How much of the leitmotifs of Stuart Chase's opus [Tyranny of Words] would likely also resonate--for Real--within the speaker's brain-pan??

Satisfying both is a Large start, but within an ignorant platitude-obsessed, mentally lazy and oft Narcissistic audience..
all those who daily massage the iggerant-Egos of this huge Tribe:
indeed try to emulate the Wise with the tawdry artificial-sweetener in their Diet-hemlock.

tl;dr: er,