After all - it is an analog phenom. (Could screw up small biases though) But now I'm curious, so will make trip to basement and see if one of the manuals survived..

As to that 'encapsulated ground plane' thingie - recall a few years ago in ED (Elec. Design) a treatise on the mb difficulties of getting the design s/ware to produce a decent model for producing good pulse rise-times (article was re RAMBUS at the time - showing GHz fancy 'eye' displays on a $60 K HP scope). Outta my league. But RAMBUS sounded like a loooser, even then - you Needed that HP just to *check* a module! they said; forget the little $1-400 memory tester boxes. Ugh.

Not surprising then, that the new mbs might want multiple good edge grounds, even if the GHz stuff is localized - the memory sockets spread it out.

Yawn.. we're all getting jaded with GHz stuff everywhere, while nobody knows Ohm's Law.
