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New That's weird anyway.
Beyond telling anyone.

Also, signals such as described are practically useless in coordination.

To illustrate that, assume you are an operative. You are told where to go to attack what. And you are told what your signal will be.

To utilize the signal, all the information (and alternatives) have to be relayed to you in advance. That's a LOT of information that has to be SECURELY transmitted to you just so you can use the cute like AK-47 icon on the web page.

Not to mention the ease of locating anyone accessing that website.

This reads more like someone's spy fantasy rather than reality.
New It's not a fantasy...It's the EVIL Internet...E-V-I-L!
I'm telling ya....the internet..it's like the old Wild West!

We need a sheriff...a lawman, who can patrol these (electronic) streets and keep them safe. It's bad enough we've got the preverts and homos..but now we've got terrorists and AMERICAN LIVES are at stake.

This lawman needs to be able to review every email, posting, message and computer connected to the internet. No ifs-ands-or-buts.

At least, that's my take.

PS: (except for the last line...yes, that was sarcasm)
New Syntax error: __it's_"*them* preverts", Grp. Cap'n Mandrake
New Perhaps...
the rifle position is suggesting which random key encryption table they will be using for the message to follow? Assuming 8 easily discernable positions (12 O'clock, 1:30, 3:00, 4:30, etc...) they could have 8 variations on which pre-defined encryption scheme to use... That's just one possibillity... I heard that pixel counts on images can be used for coordinates. A lot of information COULD be transmitted with one graphic file in a web page, depending on how much one wanted to convey. It's very disturbing from an intelligence gathering standpoint that so much can be hidden in plain sight.
Just a few thoughts,


"As people assemble, civilization Is trying to find a new way to die,
But killing is really, merely scene changer,all men are bored, with other men's lives"

"We all know success, when we all find our own dreams
And our love is enough to knock down any walls
And the future's been seen, as men try to realize
The simple secret of the note in us all
in us all"
P. Townshend - Pure and Easy
     How al Qaeda uses the Web - (marlowe) - (10)
         That's weird anyway. - (Brandioch) - (3)
             It's not a fantasy...It's the EVIL Internet...E-V-I-L! - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                 Syntax error: __it's_"*them* preverts", Grp. Cap'n Mandrake -NT - (Ashton)
             Perhaps... - (screamer)
         easier to use anonymous ftp - (boxley) - (5)
             Good points... - (screamer) - (3)
                 *sheesh* - (Brandioch) - (2)
                     It kind of makes you wonder... - (screamer) - (1)
                         There are some really good people in there. - (Brandioch)
             Your NT Webserver is my other computer - (gdaustin)

If for no other reason that historical (hysterical?) context.
73 ms