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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New The one that got away

I get a reply for a Perl job I have open.

Saw my ad on Perl web site.

Right hand of God. I can't give his real name.

But: Think about a very exotic yet useful
feature, which can be difficult to code for.
It doesn't matter which, any will do for this
thought. It is part of our standard interview

We didn't need to ask him about it. He brought
it up as one of his proud accomplishments. Fixing
the way Perl handled it to ensure no memory leaks
in all uses of it.

Or what he learned with his daily contact with
Larry over several years, as he fixed hundreds
of issues.

Or his amazing recall and quotations of the
Tao of Programming.

Or his great demeanor, how he was just a great


This is probably one of the best Perl programmers
on the face of this earth. To work with him,
having him critique my code, would be an
enormous benefit. A job perk!

And he was appreciative the of fact I know Ben!

My boss loves him.

His boss likes him (not enough time to fall in love).

The $$ looked OK.

The work environment was fine. I work in the dark,
so does he.

He wanted to move to our area, so commute was not
an issue.

He had little enough experience with large data
and my type of equipment that I could teach HIM
something he was excited about.

And then something happens.

He goes over to HR an NEVER COMES BACK.

And yes, I know what happened, and I can't say.
Just that it is SILLY enough that it shouldn't matter,
and it was not our decision, it was his.

New HR had to bring up that I* thing, and R* got pissed off..?
New Could be
or could be a lot of silly rules in the employee conduct handbook or something else.

No whining intended, but my former employer, the law firm, used to lose people left and right in the IT department because of a few factors.

Those being:

#1 Hardly anyone gets kept past 4 and a half years.

#2 HR took control of the IT Department two years ago.

#3 IT Management, is at best half-*ssed and biased.

#4 They pay a whole lot less in salaries than other employers.

#5 We got our hands tied (No OOP, No Data Structures, No Flowcharts, etc.) yet constantly get asked why things are taking so long, after the limitations they put on us. No reusable code, etc.

#6 Management and other staff changed the design "On the fly", nothing like a non-programmer telling you that the impossible can be done in under 15 minutes because that is how long it took them to create the email that describes it. Plus a week later, they will change their minds, and want something different or move and rename the fields around.

#7 General Apathy towards IT, sometimes hatred of IT, from the other staff makes it hard to communitate with anyone without them making a big case out of it.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New Nope. ___It's whining.____Or whinging.
New Lawyers being aholes, whatta surprise :-)
New heh, a matter of degree what is silly enough
New No pun intended?
New pun intended, happened to me.
     The one that got away - (broomberg) - (7)
         HR had to bring up that I* thing, and R* got pissed off..? -NT - (CRConrad) - (3)
             Could be - (orion) - (2)
                 Nope. ___It's whining.____Or whinging. -NT - (Ashton)
                 Lawyers being aholes, whatta surprise :-) -NT - (tablizer)
         heh, a matter of degree what is silly enough -NT - (boxley) - (2)
             No pun intended? -NT - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                 pun intended, happened to me. -NT - (boxley)

What exactly do you expect it to do, halt and catch fire?
45 ms