Post #415,342
11/9/16 3:01:23 PM
11/9/16 3:01:23 PM
That is what the DNC should be paying attention to.
The working class and POC are so tired of having their interests ignored to the benefit of the 1% that they will happily vote for even a sexist, racist, cretin over yet another standard issue DLC Corporatist democrat.
OTOH, Trump won the White Female vote? That doesn't compute even for me. I seriously cannot understand how any woman of any color with any amount of self respect at all could have voted for him. If I were a woman, I would have felt compelled to look beyond Hillary's faults and pull the lever for her. From my POV, that Trump won any majority of female voters is the single strangest result of yesterday. I even work with two women who voted for him. *BOGGLE*
bcnu, Mikem
I think religion should be treated with ridicule, hatred and contempt. And I claim that right. Christopher Hitchens.
Post #415,344
11/9/16 4:17:17 PM
11/9/16 4:17:17 PM
It is not strange at all.
That is simply how most women are. They don't want to be respected and "liberated", they want to be told what to do by a jealous, controlling and somewhat abusive man.
It's not what they say they want, but I learned long ago never to listen to what women say - watch what they do, the two usually don't resemble each other at all. They'll usually only date and/or marry guys who are pretty much opposite what they say they want in a man. They are working with hormones that went out of date by the Neolithic.
I had two women break up with me complaining I was not jealous and controlling, so obviously I didn't love them.
Post #415,352
11/10/16 2:36:09 AM
11/10/16 2:36:09 AM
Post #415,364
11/10/16 11:15:14 AM
11/10/16 11:15:14 AM
My ex ...
She once provoked me into a pointless argument because - as she later asked me - if I wasn't yelling how did she know I really cared?
One of many reasons she's my ex.
Post #415,368
11/10/16 11:38:41 AM
11/10/16 11:38:41 AM
I suspect your conclusion might be a bit colored by your experiences...
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #415,372
11/10/16 12:13:30 PM
11/10/16 12:13:30 PM
I see it very clearly, listening to women and then seeing who they marry.
The most attractive women land the real jerks. Guys who fit the description I gave above. I have observed that actual nice guys are often married to homely overweight women - the ones who felt they wouldn't be able to land a real jerk.
The cliché that "Women prefer jerks" is born from reality. Most clichés have a root of truth or they wouldn't be clichés.
So, I suspect your conclusion might be a bit colored by your experiences. . .
Post #415,374
11/10/16 12:19:01 PM
11/10/16 12:19:01 PM
you might be right. I remember my middle son around the age of 8
was mad about something and called me an "asshole". I asked where did he hear that phrase? "momma"
always look out for number one and don't step in number two
Post #415,376
11/10/16 12:36:16 PM
11/10/16 12:36:16 PM
That's what confirmation bias looks like, right there.
See, all my friends are "nice guys" (i.e. we treat our women with respect) and our chicks are all hawt.
Yor doin it rong.
Post #415,377
11/10/16 1:26:22 PM
11/10/16 1:26:22 PM
Maybe we just have a much larger pool of prime jerks . . .
. . for them to choose from - and around here "hawt" might suggest "stuck up".
Post #415,385
11/10/16 3:27:49 PM
11/10/16 3:27:49 PM
maybe it is the pool of women who live there, my buddy in Las Gatos
is really sure that the ladies in that area have a cash register where the rest of the countrys ladies have hearts
always look out for number one and don't step in number two