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New I've told you why Obama's 08 voters didn't turn out. Sheesh!
And please, please, please! I do *NOT* need reminding that we're probably going to send the Corporatist Evan Bayh back to Washington.
New Hehe. Bayh voted to save the economy and for the PPACA. Good enough for me. ;-)
New And Bayh's "Credit Card Reform" allowed BofA to jack my rate from 9.0% fixed to 12% floating.
New So, get another bank. You are still able to do that.
E.g. https://www.nerdwallet.com/credit-cards

There's a whole lot wrong with our banking system that needs to be fixed. The GOP isn't going to fix it though. They want to control the Fed, they want to gut the little regulation that exists, they want to kill the CFPB.

Courier Press:

The senator said he received nearly 500 letters and e-mails from Hoosiers about how credit card companies had mistreated them.

One story came from a woman in Granger, Ind. She missed her bill payment by one day and her interest rate increased from zero percent to 29 percent.

One change that will come from the new law is credit card companies will be limited on when rates can be increased and will be required to leave promotional rates the same for at least six months.

Currently, payments cover the least expensive parts of a credit card bill. Under the new law, payments will cover the most expensive parts of the bill, which Bayh said will be for "your benefit, not (the credit card company's) profit."

Other changes include giving cardholders more time to pay a bill and requiring a co-signer for anyone under 21 years old.

"It angered me when I saw how people were being abused," Bayh said. "It's a basic matter of injustice."

The credit card reform bill, also known as House Resolution 627, was introduced to the House of Representatives on Jan. 22 by Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y. After passing through committee, the bill passed the House on April 30 by a vote of 357-70.

The bill passed the Senate by a 90-5 vote May 19, and President Barack Obama signed it into law May 22. Every Indiana representative and senator voted for the bill.

Yeah, it would have been better to defeat the bill!!1 Bayh was the crucial vote!!11 (Groucho-roll-eyes.gif)

You know the right way to vote. Stop letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Vote Candidate in the Primary, Vote the Party in the General.

Come join us! ;-)

New Bayh's NOT going to fix the banks, see below.
New You and the Banksters want him to win.
Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, is currently the top Democrat on the panel and widely considered the next in line for the chair if his party succeeds in retaking the chamber.

But a Bayh victory in Indiana could upset that plan. The former two-term Democratic senator, who sat on the Banking Committee from 2000 to 2010, may have more seniority than Brown, allowing Bayh to leapfrog his colleague.

The scenario has been quietly discussed among financial services lobbyists, most of whom prefer the more moderate and bank-friendly Bayh to the progressive Brown.

Bayh "has seen upfront a lot of the problems with Dodd-Frank and we are hoping he would be somebody who could stand up to the extremists who don't think there should be any changes to Dodd-Frank," said Howard Headlee, head of the Utah Bankers Association and treasurer of the Friends of Traditional Banking, a financial services super political action committee.

A financial services lobbyist who declined to speak on the record said financial lobbyists are all "talking about this and nobody knows" whether Bayh could get his seniority back and the chairmanship.


But hey, you liked trillions to banksters in the form of TARP, so the possibility of a Bankster Tool as head of the Senate Banking Committee is a *good* thing, amirite?

Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes.
New Recycled "news"

The Senate flipped so it became moot.

We'll see what happens, but I don't expect Sherrod to roll over if he wants the job.

New If Bayh wins and the Senate goes "D", ...
the owners of the Senate (that'd be the same Wall Street gangsters funding Clinton) will make damned certain their former lobbyist is head of the Banking Committee. You heard it here first.
New Yaya.
http://www.rollcall.com/news/policy/bayh-wont-booting-brown-banking-panel (from August 9):

Former Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh won't be allowed to reclaim seniority and leapfrog a champion of progressive causes on the Senate Banking Committee should Bayh win the Indiana Senate race.

Financial services insiders in an American Banker report broached the possibility that Bayh, who is viewed more favorably by the industry, could cut in front of Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and be in line to take the committee's chairmanship if Democrats retake control of the Senate.

A senior Democratic aide effectively ended that speculation Tuesday afternoon.

"There's no doubt Senator Brown will have the top slot on the banking committee next year," the aide told Roll Call.


The truth is that precedent is squarely on the side of incumbents like Brown being favored over potential returning former senators. Neither Frank R. Lautenberg of New Jersey, Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota or Alben Barkley of Kentucky was able to reclaim seniority for past years served when they returned to the chamber.

And unlike Bayh, both Barkley and Humphrey had originally left the Senate to become vice president.

Sorry. ;-)

New At the risk of sounding even more the conspiracy theorist.
Bayh has been a Bankster Lobbyist ever since he left the Senate. You know, the usual way a Senator goes to cash in on all the good work he did for his masters while (cough, cough, wheez, gag) representing the people. So now it looks like maybe a somewhat Progressive might be the new Senate Banking Chairman. I don't think it's too much of a stretch for the Bankster owners to go to their tool Bayh and say, "Hey, why don't you run for Senate again? Here's some money. Nobody in Indiana can beat you because of your daddy and because it's an incredibly weak field. If we get lucky, you'll either knock off the Progressive and be Chairman yourself or have at least some influence on the banking committee. We need one of our own on that committee."

The cover Bayh came up with to leave the Senate so he could cash in with his Bankster buddies, that "gridlock" was the reason, is laughable now. He's going back because it's gotten better? Give me a break. His candidacy is nothing more than the Bankster Community getting one of their reliable stooges back in the Senate. And, regrettably, most Hoosiers will allow them to do exactly that.
     ok nother (gonna assume you watched tonights debate) - (boxley) - (40)
         They're both more qualified than Trump! - (a6l6e6x) - (2)
             which one is that? -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                 The one that wants to overturn Roe vs. Wade. - (a6l6e6x)
         Pence is an incompetent - he couldn't even try to defend Trump. - (Another Scott) - (3)
             Pence is playing the long game. He is taking over for Lying Ted for 2020! - (a6l6e6x)
             And it's already an ad. - (malraux) - (1)
                 That was fast! Speedy Gonzales in Brooklyn. :) -NT - (a6l6e6x)
         I'm going to be ill. Kaine managed to make Pence look sensible. - (mmoffitt) - (32)
             Kaine was over the top excited and on hair trigger. - (a6l6e6x)
             What is it that makes you ill? - (rcareaga) - (20)
                 That Pence, by comparison to anyone could look sane. - (mmoffitt) - (19)
                     Shit ha-Pence - (rcareaga) - (18)
                         Isn't the blog post obvious? - (mmoffitt)
                         And another thing, did you really need 538 to tell you who would win Indiana? - (mmoffitt) - (16)
                             How could Bernie win there and not Hillary - (Another Scott) - (14)
                                 The same way Barack Obama did in 2008. The youth vote would have been *very* enthusiastic. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (13)
                                     How is the Hispanic vote there? - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                                         I honestly don't know. They're about 6.5% or so of the population. - (mmoffitt)
                                     Yet Bernie beat Hillary by only 35k votes in the primary. Hmm... - (Another Scott) - (10)
                                         I've told you why Obama's 08 voters didn't turn out. Sheesh! - (mmoffitt) - (9)
                                             Hehe. Bayh voted to save the economy and for the PPACA. Good enough for me. ;-) -NT - (Another Scott) - (8)
                                                 And Bayh's "Credit Card Reform" allowed BofA to jack my rate from 9.0% fixed to 12% floating. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (2)
                                                     So, get another bank. You are still able to do that. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                                         Bayh's NOT going to fix the banks, see below. -NT - (mmoffitt)
                                                 You and the Banksters want him to win. - (mmoffitt) - (4)
                                                     Recycled "news" - (Another Scott) - (3)
                                                         If Bayh wins and the Senate goes "D", ... - (mmoffitt) - (2)
                                                             Yaya. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                                                 At the risk of sounding even more the conspiracy theorist. - (mmoffitt)
                             Of course I didn't "need" 538 for that. - (rcareaga)
             I don't have time to watch it again, but... - (Another Scott) - (6)
                 Kaine did a better job defending his candidate - (malraux)
                 "Nice Guy". </me falls over> - (mmoffitt) - (4)
                     I'd expect nothing less from Counterpunch. - (Another Scott) - (3)
                         Heh. He only beat George "Macaca" Allen by six points? </rofl> - (mmoffitt) - (2)
                             "Selected Conspiracy Websites, Newsgroups, Blogs" - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                 I'm no longer a subscriber. - (mmoffitt)
             according to cnn pence beat kaine -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                 According to almost everyone. -NT - (mmoffitt)
                 different objectives, perhaps? - (rcareaga)

Whoa-ho-ho, nice shootin', Tex!
79 ms