...has the reviewer actually played these games?
1. WipEout 2097 doesn't have music by Aphex Twin.
2. Half-Life is based on a heavily modded Q1 engine, not Q2.
3. Unreal's AI wasn't particularly good - it was just that the aliens moved VERY fast and rarely missed. The Q1 reaperbot is better, and that was written by a bloke in his bedroom. The bot AI isn't bad, though.
4. Nit: Elite on the C64 was a pale shadow of the BBC version. The Archimedes version was even better. At any rate, Elite came out first on the BBC. And there are no "weapons turrets" in any version of Elite before Frontier, which doesn't have wireframe graphics.
1. Quake 3 - spectacular engine, breathtaking level design, astounding bot AI.
2. Worms.
3. Any 3D fighting games whatsoever. Where the hell is Tekken 2?
4. Revs. Without Revs, there would be no Gran Turismo.
5. The Sentinel, for its utterly original gameplay.
6. go on, fill 'em in, you know you want to :)