IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New We're looking to.
Without going into detail I can't divulge, we're going to move our website in the next few months from one hosting provider to a different, much much larger one. Although the real reason for this is cost, it will also mean we can move into the auto-scaling architecture of our parent company which has a lot of clever load-balancing and redundancy layers. It's also an abstraction layer on who we're going with, but for the purposes of your question, the app will be turning into a collection of Docker containers. I've already made the dev version go on my laptop.

New thanks
always look out for number one and don't step in number two
     a post in the apple forum makes me want to ask who is using docker in production? - (boxley) - (5)
         We're looking to. - (static) - (1)
             thanks -NT - (boxley)
         Just using AWS instances. - (malraux)
         Comparison of native vs. container vs. VM - (malraux) - (1)
             thank you -NT - (boxley)

Fighting and romance are weirdly similar in many ways. Two people lock eyes in a crowded room. Everybody can feel the intensity of the emotions between them. One of them suggests that they step outside. “Come on, just you and me.” It starts out dignified, but they end up rolling around, tearing at each other’s clothing.

Also, both fighting and romance tend to look a lot better in movies than they do in real life.
46 ms