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New Most of the Russian brides were "yuck"
New What the actual ...

New the one in the mud puddle aint too bad toilet full of roses either
always look out for number one and don't step in number two
     Time sink: EatLiver.com -NT - (drook) - (8)
         ..as could lead one to: - (Ashton)
         You evil person! :) -NT - (a6l6e6x) - (3)
             Damn, how much do they post per day? - (drook) - (2)
                 About half-a-dozen a day, I think. - (static) - (1)
                     I think the content was edgier back then too. -NT - (malraux)
         Most of the Russian brides were "yuck" - (crazy) - (2)
             What the actual ... - (drook) - (1)
                 the one in the mud puddle aint too bad toilet full of roses either -NT - (boxley)

If you're going to be paranoid, don't stop at half measures.
62 ms