Oh..I forgot...you have discussed some mythical "root cause"...which it took Another Scott to finally drag out of you.
Really? He had to drag it out of me?

Shall I refute that statement? Here, from his ORIGINAL post to me in this thread.

You make several points that few would disagree with: 1) terrorism has many causes; 2) the US taking actions that many regard as callous or unjust can help fuel anger against it; 3) the military shouldn't be used for law enforcement actions; etc.

[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=41188|If I may - some comments.]

So, how did he drag it out of me if his original post stated my position clearly?

Again, you'll tell any lie to attempt to discredit my position rather than do your own research.

You are Pathetic.