I'm going to have to give up pretty soon. As far as I can tell, I've done EVERYTHING within my power to make this thing work.
The working machine doesn't work when I put the new CPU in it. But when I put the old CPU in it, it works.
The nonworking machine doesn't work when I put the new OR the old CPU in it.
The nonworking machine doesn't work when I use a 300W or 400W power supply. Perhaps I need to go all the way up to 450? From what I've read, 400 should be sufficient.
The nonworking machine just doesn't work. Old motherboard, new motherboard, old CPU, new CPU (I even put a Duron CPU in there, no dice), original ram, working ram, old case, new case, nothing. I'm obviously doing something wrong, but I'm too disgusted to bother trying to figure it out.
Fuck computers. I'm about on the verge of learning a new goddamned trade. This is ridiculous.