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New Tac nukes were not just for armor
tac nukes like the neutron bomb were for massive casualties with little impact destruction and an extremely short half life. So called ultra clean bomb. Carter wanted them until a worldwide outcry put them on the shelf until china developed them. Put one in the middle of a city take out all the inhabitants but only leave a small crater and no firestorm.
New Neutron bombs and us.
Ah, the capitalistic weapon. Kill the workers and leave the means of production. :)

The radiation doesn't kill instantly. Well, it does, but in a smaller area. The outer areas will provide a terminal dose of radiation, but the people will be able to operate for a week or more.

Again, back to armour, the Russian issued "radiation pills" to their tankers so that when we did use neutron bombs on them, they would be "cured" of the radiation sickness and be able to continue the advance.
New iodine pills no doubt,
New Oh, you read that story too?
Don't remember where I read it, but some weird story about the "Capitalist Bomb" and the "Communist Bomb" - the Capitalist bomb killed people, the Communist bomb unmade manufactured objects. Well, one thing leads to another, and the respective sides blow the holy hell out of each other.

Generations pass, and survivors from the U.S. (Hey, when you unmake skyscrapers and airplanes, it's not the bomb that kills you - it's gravity!) finally make their way to Russia to utilize their infrastructure... And then for some reason, start calling each other "Comrade" and acting like they're living in a Socialist paradise.

It was a Weird Story.
InThane - Now running Ashton rev 2.0
New No. That was something I picked up from S2.
I wonder if they had read it.

And nothing on google, either.

New I don't think you 'get' neutron bombs.
And I'd have to locate some ancient notes to give you chapter and verse about why.. such a one is unlikely to fit into a 105 mm howitzer round - nor is it a suitable concept for any near-ground burst (like an er 'demolition package' to be toted somewhere). Near-ground == more and more hot detritus. (Let's not further confuse above also with - the scenario to maximize EMP over a large area)

As to 'short half-life' - would that you could just pick the left-over isotopes from your ebay shopping list.. Yes you could sorta bend the mix to a degree, but the essence of the n bomb was to maximize the radiation flash and minimize the blast-wave. These max/mins aren't as different from 'mean' as was hyped. After all - Consumer Reports isn't going to vet the truth in advertising... But yes: less efficient for having less heavy-tamper yada yada

My point is still: this is early conditioning for acceptance of of Just a Little Nuke... if we get ourselves into more trouble than we projected: via next unilateral-decisions in *Our* War on Evil. As propaganda.. this is the evident aim.

Do citizens imagine that: the 'intended role' for small weapons was ever - spelled out with any great clarity? (or that it ever Would be?) And especially now: a postulated future 'need' ??? while our overall strategy for dealing with (others) "Evilness" is being hatched by

This. Bunch. ???

rest case. It's called: psych conditioning.

     And now for something almost but not quite completely - (Ashton) - (12)
         Correction. - (Brandioch) - (1)
             Clarification noted. - (Ashton)
         You are so full of yourself it's pathetic... - (screamer) - (1)
             Nailed by a wannabe Pro.. - (Ashton)
         Tac nukes were not just for armor - (boxley) - (5)
             Neutron bombs and us. - (Brandioch) - (3)
                 iodine pills no doubt, -NT - (boxley)
                 Oh, you read that story too? - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                     No. That was something I picked up from S2. - (Brandioch)
             I don't think you 'get' neutron bombs. - (Ashton)
         Davy, Davy Crockett - (altmann) - (1)
             Hmmm - (Ashton)

It goes up to "11".
54 ms