which some will challenge by citing the claim that Clinton’s foreign policy could pose a more serious menace than that of Trump.Your belief I take it (Chomsky, who is not shy about these things, did not advance it as his own). Duly noted, then.
FWIW, the tone of the speech and of the convention preceding it, was more belligerent, global hegemony-wise, than I would have liked. I am less inspired by HRC than might be a woman of my generation (my wife, for example, who feels fairly comfortable with and even cheerful about the candidate. FWIW further, I know one woman who, contrariwise, makes you look like a Romney voter, and has derided me online as an "establishment conservative" because I did not vote for Saint Bernard and now will not vote for Jill Fucking Stein (I am also faulted for dismissing the chemtrail conspiracy), so grading on the curve you get points for sweet reason, and also a participation trophy (insert typographical emoticon signifying jocular goodwill).