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New PC electronics appears most often to be a POS
By comparison with any decent not-consumer electronic device, that is. I was spoiled by looking at the too-fancy switcher in the Otrona.. then I looked inside the Osborne1 (and even the later Zorba). Ugh.

I guess PC Power & Cooling remains the engineered choice for PSs, but are there any really Premium mbs out there? Ditto cases with industrial switches and decent jacks? I'd think any bizness would pay a little extra for quality in those areas. Wait!.. no, I guess I wouldn't bet that.

Hey.. Otrona - had some PS mon leds for *each* PS with go no-go levels for green/red. You could peek in from case vents to see if the "summary for all" led was a nice green. I thought... (that being CP/M days) surely ALL later \ufffd-stuff would at least: make that kind of troubleshooting EZ.

Hah.. maybe the country that Deserves Billy, deserves equivalent-grade hdwre too.

What did you mean re the mod. mb "450ish"? Be that the COST of that sucker!? And how odd that new, good qual caps would fail soon - vastly too much ripple-current for the actual cap rating? If so, you'd not likely have room! for any rated higher (if there are any that can handle massive ripple current). Heh: water-cooled caps - add to list!

'Least on Tek, seems that the -8 V ps is often a canary - hi ripple in any of several totem-poled other supplies seems to knock it way off.

Shee-it I Hate working on Junque. Especially crap knowingly designed to fail soon for MBA marketing designs. We seem started down the other side of the QC curve now: having found out how to do Five-Nines reliability - the scum in marketing are designing for sabotage, but please to call it [some lie].

New Splain'd
about 450 in count. MOdular means "multi-piece" cost initially was alot less. BUt now after 2 replacements... well I believe Gateway is eating them big time. The real problem was was they used 13.5v caps.

Now the new boards are using 25v caps (good) and the mica's(err mylar...) are both made by Siemens. Both are premium lines of parts.

Plus, seems as though GW made a real effort to fix everything.

greg, curley95@attbi.com -- REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!
     Can someone help me troubleshoot this problem? - (cwbrenn) - (32)
         Sounds like a power problem to me. - (Another Scott)
         one off the wall maybe - (boxley) - (2)
             I'll try that. - (cwbrenn) - (1)
                 Alas, alack. - (cwbrenn)
         Best bet for testing PS - (Steven A S) - (1)
             I've gone one further than that. - (cwbrenn)
         Hehehe.... Okay. Now we really get sticky... - (folkert) - (10)
             you mean... it might be a problem with the TOWER? - (cwbrenn) - (5)
                 Case in point! - (folkert) - (4)
                     Ok, it's not the case - (cwbrenn) - (3)
                         BOG.... - (folkert)
                         On using force - - (Ashton) - (1)
                             Grounding motherboards. - (static)
             Uh.. yeah - (Ashton) - (3)
                 Saw a huge batch... - (folkert) - (2)
                     PC electronics appears most often to be a POS - (Ashton) - (1)
                         Splain'd - (folkert)
         Longshots - (Ashton)
         The more I test, the more confused I get - (cwbrenn) - (1)
             Speak of the devil.... - (Another Scott)
         Interesting. Encouraging results. - (cwbrenn) - (2)
             You call that encouraging? - (drewk) - (1)
                 Yeah, well... - (cwbrenn)
         Mysterly solved... and I AM AN IDIOT :) - (cwbrenn) - (8)
             This is like the 'made for IE' pages that break in Mozilla - (drewk)
             Idiot? Come on! - (Meerkat)
             Not an idiot. - (static) - (5)
                 Definitely Not an idiot. - (jbrabeck) - (4)
                     Oddly though - - (Ashton) - (3)
                         That's rare! - (static)
                         Don't recall ever seeing "ground loop" mentioned . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                             Could be mfg.-memory on that phrase.. - (Ashton)

I bellied up to the sandbar, and he poured me the usual: Rusty Snail, hold the grunion, shaken, not stirred. With a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich on the side - heavy on the mako.
75 ms