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New Heh..
Can't imagine why you'da thunk that Any audio-Purist cockamamie stunt could rise to the level of er... evoking Mad-ness in moi? :-\ufffd

I get the 'server overloaded' bit currently (even when I go to Source, copy the working part of that link and try again) - even links within the site get same result.

I gather that someone has stuck a vacuum tube on a motherboard, for Purist-Audio\ufffd from The Source (?)

Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..

Now *That's* Funny! especially because: the er 'Source' just happens to be a *&$%^ DAC which merely sorta-converts the Accursed-Digital Yes-No stuff to ersatz-Analog(ue) !!

Locked /Door /Barn /Cow /Gone.

Now the other link to the little barrel-shaped preamp - may not be so laughable (used as a moving-coil phono ctdge amp, say). But imagine having to generate a few watts of 200V, 6.3 or 13.6 V for filament, cooling that etc. (Needing a *real* mains transformer that is) -- to amplify a digitally-generated signal!

Sounds a lot like .nyet to me. But WTF - they make $Millions selling welding cable made from Litz-wire (for "speaker wires"!) to prolly the same customers as for this thingie..


Will try later, see if I can spot a vacuum tube on a board full of digital commonplace gizmos. Might make a good image to put below,

What Me Worry ??
New Recording and Music
In the recording and musical instrument amplification world, tubes are still quite prevalent. There's even studio-quality microphones with contained 12AX7A preamp tubes!

It's common practice to have a rack-mount unit with several tube preamps for microphones to go between them and the recording or mixing console. It's also common in guitar amps to have preamp and poweramp sections all tube, or to have a tube preamp and solid-state poweramp. There's even amps who get their DC rectification from tubes :)

When it comes to computers, which are more and more used in recording, the hot ticket is higher end sound cards where the A/D converters are contained in an outboard unit that connects to the sound card inside. The reason is twofold: 1) gets you more inputs, in a form the audio world uses (balanced XLR and unbalanced 1.4") instead of the puny 1/8" TRS micro jacks; and 2) HF noise is theoretically reduced by getting the converters away from the CPU, memory and bus.

I can't get to the article either, but I can't imagine the need, nor the want, for tube(s) in a computer audio setup, particularly for output. I'm by no means an electronics or audio expert, but this seems pure malarky to me. Besides, if I understand amplifier tech correctly, at least 2 tubes are necessary for *real* audio reproduction/amplification as they need to work together to provide a proper signal.

I wouldn't buy one :)
New Not so crazy that..
I mean the use of nice dual triodes (and modern lo-leakage caps, film resistors etc.) In fact for several years after the first xsistorized audio stuff came out: it sucked! but such was/is the power of Hype that, some thought those glassy-sounds were merely er 'crisp highs' ... yada yada.

I was a Marantz dealer (and a couple other lines) in spare time - about as they also morphed in direction of solid-state. Had KLH-9 full-range electrostatic speakers, etc. and pretty much saw the birth of well... 'audio for Yuppies' (as opposed to originally, say - classical music lovers who had wanted Hi(gher) Fi(delity) sound reproduction = just that.)

Anyway - a Marantz 10B all tube FM tuner is today highly desired (it had one transistor: to turn on the stereo light)! Used Tschebyshev (sp) IF filters almost square in their selectivity and flatness and featured a built-in CRT = you could *see* multipath distortion, measure incoming signal strength and stereo separation.. Ditto a Model 8-B (Or the massive mono Model 9) vacuum tube power amplifiers (KT-88s) - with oil-filled main caps and the best possible xfmr design and other components. Etc.

These things would cost in the thousands today - and a lot of them went to Japanese audiophiles. (Hell, I peddled some unused original Mar. preamp *knobs* on eBay to Japan - think the set went for ~ $80 !! My leftover original schematics for most Marantz models also went for ~$100) I made copies natch, but otherwise not nostalgic for 'Owning' the original.

While much has transpired since the golden days, including 'Stereophile' Magazine's self-appointed role as Pope of weirdly expen$ive audio - I think many of the new crop are indeed competent engineers who are aware of the trade-offs VS human ears - and can use tubes in clever ways which have to do with music perception, and neither religion nor rank Silliness.

But there's a lot of Expen$ive Crystal-bottled Snake Oil being peddled to er 'effete intellectual snobs'? (who are, I deem: lawful prey ;-)

As to two tubes.. well, "push-pull" has a nice symmetrical ring to it - but in 'Class A' mode (hi dissipation on the tube curve, up to a linear region), single-ended need not be too shabby. BTW - the 12AX7 is a dual-triode already. Output tubes designed as tetrodes can often be connected as triodes (Marantz provided for this alteration) for less power and - a better spectrum analysis!

Also a cathode follower (equiv. of the emitter-follower today) for just impedance conversion / driving long lines -- gains nothing by splitting. But at the top-end of 'thought', there are lots of subtleties, arguments for even SS-regulated LV supplies -- for those patient enough to do a lot of experimenting, measurements and *always* careful blind listening tests.

As in most fields, there are the cocksure-Believers and then there are the engineer/artists. Never the twain shall meet (as in the other fields).


New If /. is /.-ed, go there later; it has some good comments...
...somewhat along the lines you and Steve expounded on here. Select a threshold level of ~4 (and I'd recommend the "Nested" layout), press "Change", and you're set.
   Christian R. Conrad
Of course, who am I to point fingers? I'm in the "Information Technology" business, prima facia evidence that there's bats in the bell tower.
-- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=27764|Andrew Grygus]
New Thanks - /. not -dotted just now.
Indeed - some well-informed comments throughout -- and.. little silliness! to boot.

In fact - several of the posts are among the clearest I've seem of the phenom of 'psych-acoustics' VS Hype. These would have merited a place in Audio Magazine in the olden days. Bookmarked for perusal later, a bit more.

(Your tip also exactly right-on: hmm, guess level 4 IS ~~ the level which screens out the useless crap sufficiently. Will remember that tip.)

Anyway - nice to see that the (actually rather difficult) topic is understood pretty decently, courtesy of at least one engineer AND musician.

A Soviet 6922 yet! That was a Premium expen$ive (hi-freq) tube, often used in the "distributed amplifiers" for state-of-art oscilloscopes (ie Tektronix). It featured *gold plated pins* too.. but dunno if it's That much better a choice for lo-level audio than a decent Telefunken or Mullard 12AX7A ... but I digress.

Gotta go back and see if I can find the actual mobo pic that prompted all this foofaraw - maybe later.

     Ashton, this will... - (Arkadiy) - (12)
         Naw, that isn't the funniest motherboard... - (inthane-chan) - (5)
             And now for the weirdest motherboard... - (inthane-chan) - (4)
                 Don't forget the one recently... - (Meerkat) - (3)
                     Yeah, forgot about that one. - (inthane-chan)
                     OK, there's a TWiki... - (Meerkat) - (1)
                         Can the audiophile cel-fone be far behind? AND: - (Ashton)
         Admin: Duplicate, please delete. -NT - (inthane-chan)
         Heh.. - (Ashton) - (4)
             Recording and Music - (Steve Lowe) - (1)
                 Not so crazy that.. - (Ashton)
             If /. is /.-ed, go there later; it has some good comments... - (CRConrad) - (1)
                 Thanks - /. not -dotted just now. - (Ashton)

You should be skinned and fed to tassies for intercoursing with those devils.
120 ms