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New Looks like a decent price.
I had no idea they continued making them until 1990+


New Bloody awful things.
Slow, uncomfortable and built to French fit & finish standards.

Here's one from 1985.


Note: you can buy many many much better cars for £10995 (E46 M3! Merc SLK! Audi S3! Jaguar XJ!), but then some car people are completely inexplicable in their attachment to terrible old vehicles that are objectively awful in all aspects.
New Re: Bloody awful things. Of course they are, they're french!
always look out for number one and don't step in number two
New I've seen one around here. She seems to enjoy it.
New Hardly "uncomfortable" !! ..the rIde has been one of its lauded Featurez, you Hottentot
See.. having had 5 of the DS- Desiree Speciale series, the DS-21 picked up in Trappe outside Paris ... I'll see your low-bid and Raise. (These are full-size, natch.)

The Deux Chevaux has spawned oodles of tales--from crossing the Sahara, using bananas in gearbox when the oil was lost--unto just jillions of reliable miles at 50ish mph across the planet
(acceptable to the few non-hyper amidst the vox populi), those ever so InAHurry to get from nowhere to Nowhere.

But will give you this: the Ami-6 (I also owned until it was T-boned by an idiot driver, blocks from my house) was only slightly peppier in power, but with several other amenities, making it the über-2CV.

My [new} DSM (manual xmission) and later, the posh Pallas version DS-21 (hydraulically shifted mech. gearbox) were trouble free, featured the unique hydraulic suspension whereby.. the "shock absorbers" were stacks of thin washers within the hi-px hydraulics in the circuit: net result being a very controlled ride yet as soft as the Detroit lead-barges. But sans the weight and the execrable handling.

The inboard disk brakes were another superb feature, sparing the UNSPRUNG-weight of so many conventional designs, ie

Thou knowest-Not that which you so glibly trash. Heathen.

er, :-þ
New Don't know about any of that
I just know a friend's mum had one when I was a teenager, and I got ferried about in it, and it was shit.

My mum's contemporary Ford Fiesta was a vastly superior vehicle in every conceivable aspect.
     where is $13k when I need it. - (boxley) - (9)
         That's all original? - (drook)
         Looks like a decent price. - (Another Scott) - (5)
             Bloody awful things. - (pwhysall) - (4)
                 Re: Bloody awful things. Of course they are, they're french! -NT - (boxley)
                 I've seen one around here. She seems to enjoy it. -NT - (Another Scott)
                 Hardly "uncomfortable" !! ..the rIde has been one of its lauded Featurez, you Hottentot - (Ashton) - (1)
                     Don't know about any of that - (pwhysall)
         "Deux chevaux"? - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
             Taxable HP -NT - (scoenye)

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