Post #410,696
6/5/16 11:41:22 AM
6/5/16 11:41:22 AM

But the well-known association is with the Civil Rights movement.
Wikipedia: Newly discovered research now strongly suggests that the original source of "We Shall Overcome" was a gospel hymn entitled "If My Jesus Wills" composed sometime between 1932 and 1942 and copyrighted in 1954 by African-American Baptist choir director Louise Shropshire. Shropshire's was a close friend, civil rights ally and spiritual confidant of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rev. Thomas A. Dorsey and Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth.
Lyrics to Louise Shropshire's "If My Jesus Wills" (copyright 1954):
I'll Overcome, I'll Overcome, I'll Overcome Someday If My Jesus Wills, I Do Believe, I'll Overcome Someday Twitter's a terrible medium for conveying understanding, but the optics of a Bernie rally using that song is, er, a bit tone deaf. Bernie's campaign is all about economics, not civil rights. My $0.02. Cheers, Scott.
Post #410,697
6/5/16 1:26:09 PM
6/5/16 1:26:09 PM

OMG, I'm going senile
I had no idea they sang "If My Jesus Wills". I thought it was an entirely different song. Some silly ditty that had people walking hand in hand without the permission of some archaic deity figure. If you insist on spinning it this way, you're doing it wrong: it should be "We Shall Overcome" was PLAGIARIZED from "If My Jesus Wills". I mean, get the feeling in there! You aren't getting across the true evil of the non-Hillaryites. Come on, you can do this. There's a status quo to maintain (with only a SLIGHT shift to the right.) And she's fifteen percent less evil than the alternative (83 percent of statistics are made up on the spur of the moment.)
"Religion, n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable." ~ AMBROSE BIERCE (1842-1914)
Post #410,698
6/5/16 3:10:59 PM
6/5/16 3:10:59 PM

Ok, Ok.
I wasn't there. I took the word of a tweet (and reactions to it) that it was a bunch white Bernie Bros singing WSO in Oakland. But apparently Bernie has a history with the song. But even with that, it still seems weird to me. Others who were there think so too: As they waited for the candidate to arrive and the main event to begin, a three-piece band stood onstage and played a spare rendition of “We Shall Overcome.”
The gospel hymn that became an iconic anthem of the Civil Rights Movement is weighty with history and struggle. To invoke “We Shall Overcome” on behalf of a presidential candidate would be dicey in any venue. To do it in the quickly gentrifying black mecca of Oakland, in front of a crowd that was much whiter than those that typically gather for rallies in the city, is dicier still. To do it in a place officially named Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, after a Japanese-American civil rights leader, and informally known to many locals as Oscar Grant Plaza, after a black man killed by police while handcuffed on a Oakland subway platform — let’s just say it would have made me uncomfortable for a black man to use this song in this context. And though the band was fronted by a black woman, Bernie Sanders, as you may have heard, is a white guy from Vermont. It's not a big deal. Just a bit of color from the campaign trail... Happy? ;-p :-) Cheers, Scott.
Post #410,702
6/5/16 4:23:15 PM
6/5/16 4:23:15 PM

Check out Springsteen version
It's on the Seeger Sessions album. It's copy protected so on general principles, since I bought the disk, I converted the cuts to mp3. Just to back up my data, of course; I'm way too ditzy to be one of those geek guys... I have it on my playlist for my ride to work. Quite calming. "Buffalo girls" is pretty good too. Seeger has always been one of my favorites. He's a Navy man so my father (also Navy) thought highly of him (Seeger was Navy at the beginning of the war and went merchant marine when that was a really high risk place to be) I kind of grew up with his music. I don't pay attention to tweets; If you have to hide your message in a free ping package, it's not worth my time. I refuse to go to book of face either. This place is as close to social media as I get.
"Religion, n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable." ~ AMBROSE BIERCE (1842-1914)
Post #410,704
6/5/16 4:48:31 PM
6/5/16 4:48:31 PM

We saw Bruce when he was doing the Seeger Sessions tour a few years ago.
He did well and it obviously came from his heart.
Yeah, there's nothing wrong with white people singing WSO in principle. It's the context that seemed weird in the Bernie/Oakland case.
My dad joined the Navy too (late '50s) to avoid the draft. I took his dress sword to show-and-tell in kindergarten once. Different times in so many ways...
Cheers, Scott.
Post #410,705
6/5/16 5:02:46 PM
6/5/16 5:02:46 PM

book of face is great for current grankid pictures. Dont post, just look at the pics
always look out for number one and don't step in number two
Post #410,703
6/5/16 4:24:03 PM
6/5/16 4:24:03 PM

WSO ~= confederate flag
You can quote all the history you want about where it came from and what it used to mean - and you're technically correct. Use it today and everyone gets the #1 association right away.
Knowing that, it's fair to assume anyone using it intends that association. Else why use it?