So he was an idealist. We assume. Maybe an egoist out for fame?
(Ah.. then.. we could love him like Billy or Donald (Duck or Trump) right?)
Those fond of dissing all journalists as either -
A) Librul dope-smokin hippies (er are those idealists too? I forget.) or
B) Unprincipled naive dupes, whatever their affiliation
- believe it was kinda dumb where he went, being who he [was labelled].
But he gets killed - and this after he has acceded to obvious demands to parrot the captor's poli-speak. All of this: precisely as brutal as the killing of civilians in long-ago mere hijackings. Same group mindset as the sub-humans above.
And the journalist dissers want him avenged (too).
You don't find some cognitive dissonance in this all? (Despite it being an unarguably barbarous action committed by diseased homo-saps who need to be discorporated - only way to be sure it's their last act. (Nuke from orbit.. has the same tag-line))
Mankind lacks scale and relativity.
(Comment by somebody.. perceptive)