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New Trivia:
My son is in that movie for a split second inside the Winnebago just before it blows up.

He was supposed to be in an entire mini-scene wherein he and his "grandfather" crawl out of the wreckage and look around at the robots in amazement. However, as they were filming it he came back to the extras tent and told my wife, "They have to put more makeup on us so we look half dead because they 'blew up the Winnebago too much'."

Apparently too much was too much and the little scene was cut.

He got a chance to talk to Michael Bay during the filming. Bay asked him if he liked the Transformers movies and (satisfyingly) my son replied, "I haven't seen any of them."

Bay's response was a disappointed "Duuuude..."

Also, apparently no one ever dies in Michael Bay movies. It's just his thing. When my son asked if he died in the scene, Bay replied, "Dude... NO ONE ever dies in my movies." So he's got that going for him I guess.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Collapse Edited by malraux May 20, 2016, 09:28:22 AM EDT
My son is in that movie for a split second inside the Winnebago just before it blows up.

He was supposed to be in an entire mini-scene wherein he and his "grandfather" crawl out of the wreckage and look around at the robots in amazement. However, as they were filming it he came back to the extras tent and told my wife, "They have to put more makeup on us so we look half dead because they 'blew up the Winnebago too much'."

Apparently too much was too much and the little scene was cut.

He got a chance to talk to Michael Bay during the filming. Bay asked him if he liked the Transformers movies and (satisfyingly) my son replied, "I haven't seen any of them."

Bay's response was a disappointed "Duuuude..."
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Collapse Edited by malraux May 20, 2016, 10:10:09 AM EDT
My son is in that movie for a split second inside the Winnebago just before it blows up.

He was supposed to be in an entire mini-scene wherein he and his "grandfather" crawl out of the wreckage and look around at the robots in amazement. However, as they were filming it he came back to the extras tent and told my wife, "They have to put more makeup on us so we look half dead because they 'blew up the Winnebago too much'."

Apparently too much was too much and the little scene was cut.

He got a chance to talk to Michael Bay during the filming. Bay asked him if he liked the Transformers movies and (satisfyingly) my son replied, "I haven't seen any of them."

Also, apparently no one ever dies in Michael Bay movies. It's just his thing. When my son asked if he died in the scene, Bay replied, "Dude... NO ONE ever dies in my movies." So he's got that going for him I guess.

Bay's response was a disappointed "Duuuude..."
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New They blew up a Winnebago?
I'll take your word for it. They blew up so much shit I lost track / stopped caring.

New That's what those movies are about.
If you're not entertained by lots of stuff being blown up, why would you ever watch a Michael Bay movie?
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New Death and Michael Bay
As I check IMDB I find, to my mild surprise, that I have seen a Michael Bay-directed film. One. It was in a very suburban (read "cultural wasteland") venue, and I was with a group (so, not my call). The film was Armageddon. Now, granted this was eighteen years ago, and I have not revisited the feature on home entertainment media, but I recall several scenes early on of large asteroidal fragments smacking some of the world's most photogenic, or at least recognizable, urban venues. Lots of, you know, linear momentum. Big CGI explosions. And now Bay is telling me that those were all flesh wounds at ground level? What a ripoff, man! Who do I see about refunding my ticket price?

New It's all in the early warning systems, apparently.
Possibly he means, "No one dies up close and personal, like you'd see on RawStory."
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New alternative explanation
Possibly he means, "No one dies up close and personal, like you'd see on RawStory."
Or maybe he means "No one dies the way they do in a John Landis flick."

New That too
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
     Transformers: Age of Extinction - (drook) - (7)
         Trivia: - (malraux) - (6)
             They blew up a Winnebago? - (drook) - (1)
                 That's what those movies are about. - (malraux)
             Death and Michael Bay - (rcareaga) - (3)
                 It's all in the early warning systems, apparently. - (malraux) - (2)
                     alternative explanation - (rcareaga) - (1)
                         That too -NT - (malraux)

Trouble with a capital "T" and that rhymes with "P" and that stands for pool!
42 ms