Make it conditional on external actors, one of which has once sworn to drive it into the ground.
![]() Make it conditional on external actors, one of which has once sworn to drive it into the ground. |
![]() I don't use software based on ideology. Tried that, it sucked. I use software based on a good match with my use case. Linux doesn't have that, the apps that it has don't have that, so I don't use Linux. My use case (games, photos) means Windows is the rational choice. If I didn't play games, I'd still have a Mac (I had 4 in a row, remember, and a couple of Mac laptops). I have an iPhone, too! Double the antichrist for your money! |
![]() Think I'll try photo editing. Yup, free app for that. Now blogging. Plenty there. Video production? Hmm ... a little spotty. Book layout? Pretty high end! But damn, that's tedious. I think I'd rather let someone else do that part. You know what? Forget the video, and the book layout. Photos and blogging, that's it. Now I just need to stay on LTS to avoid malware. And ... now it's broken. -- Drew |
![]() The apps are utter dogshit. You know what's great about Photoshop? Workflow. As in, "it's sane". Yeah, there's a whole bunch of annoying bullshit that goes with Adobe products (mostly around licencing), but when you get to actually doing work, damn if they don't get you where you need to be. Photoshop has a whole pile of tools that do amazing things (seriously: the content-aware healing tool is witchcraft) and they work together. The plugin ecosystem alone is worth the price of admission. And now that PS plugins work with Lightroom (which also integrates with PS), you got yourself a proper photo editing and organising system. You know what's great about GIMP? The price, and that's about it. It's an image editing app designed by programmers, practicing cargo cult app design. "If we make a bunch of dialogues that sorta look like the ones in Photoshop, and we use the same vocabulary as Photoshop, then obviously our app will be usable and loved just like Photoshop, right?" Heh, no. Darktable is slow, buggy, and makes bad images. Its white balance tools are hopeless, which holes it before the waterline for all but the most trivial photo work and immediately puts it completely out of contention for professional work (example: you take a bunch of pictures of the inside of someone's house or an office; you need that blue folder on the desk and the whiteboard on the wall to be the same colour in all shots - well, you do if you want to get paid). Outlook 2016 is simply irreplaceable for me. I need a good email experience integrated with a good calendar, and I don't want to do it in a browser. Everything that runs on Linux is either broken, unmaintained, or lacks features. Everything. Lightning, Evolution, KOrganiser, California, GNOME Calendar, etc. Outlook on the Mac ain't all that (disclaimer: I last used version 2011) but Mail is plenty good and the Apple Calendar is fine, too. These are the kinds of real problems that need to be solved before Linux will go forward as a commonly-used platform. Being able to fix a broken graphics driver by working at the command line is great, but this is no more useful to most people than having to RRR in Windows - they can no more recover the system that way than they can juggle chainsaws. In fact, it's by no means certain that just giving up and RRRing (esp. as installing Linux is easy these days) is any slower than locating and persuading a tame nerd to fix things. For folks who stash everything in the cloud, like my wife, it's a no-brainer. Nuke and pave, because life is short. I totally understand and agree that Linux is a great platform for development. But that's not what I'm talking about. I have burned hours and days and weeks just trying to get to the same place on Linux (and FreeBSD) that I am now in on Windows. And you know what? I just want to take and process my photos, arrange my personal life and my Round Table, and play games. I don't want to be a computer janitor. |
![]() I mostly use it for food photos, which I mostly take with good lighting. I mostly zoom, crop and sharpen, with a little white balance tweaking. The times I've tried to color match two photos that were off for some reason ... Yeah, good luck. -- Drew |
![]() I dread to think how I would have managed to ensure that the bride's dress was the same perceptual shade of white in ~600 wedding photos (a not atypical number of frames to end up with on a paid wedding shoot) if I were using something like Darktable. |
![]() What I would want is to have a reference shot, then be able to pick a point on the reference and a point on a target shot and tell it, "Color balance so the target matches the reference." -- Drew |
![]() I sympathize with you folks that have to edit hundreds of photos. It must be a royal pain. PS may continue to be the go-to tool for pros, but it's far too expensive for me, and the continual upgrade treadmill makes it even less appealing. I use PMView and Picasa for my very humble photo editing needs. PMView can be scripted, and Picasa's "I feel lucky" often does a pretty good job. FWIW. Cheers, Scott. (Who figures that Google is going to be the entity that continues to be the player that pushes "free" (or low-cost) software forward. Not one of the Linux houses.) |
![]() You can adjust for natural vs. fluorescent vs. incandescent lights and get pretty close. But when you're doing an album or a collage you can't judge shots stand-alone, but by how closely they match every other shot. For mine, I do step-by-step tutorials. If the food changes color between shots, it's going to look like I'm assembling shots from multiple sessions. Which (just between you and me) I've actually done, but you wouldn't know because I did take the time to color match them. -- Drew |
![]() The whole point of shooting raw is that you don't have to faff about with that shit when you should be focusing* on composition. Fiddle about with white balance, chimping like a bastard while you do it, literally hundreds of times on a wedding shoot? fuck. that. shit.** That said, my 6D does a pretty decent job of landing the right WB value the vast majority of the time. The ability to apply a consistent WB setting across multiple photos is what's gold. It doesn't have to be far off between shots to be noticeable. And let's hear less of the "far too expensive". It's £8/month for PS and LR. I spend more than that on crisps at the pub. It's 4 litres of petrol. I bet your internet/tv/phone package is way more. *see what I did thar? **That article looks very much like it's aimed at people shooting JPEG. For very boring technical reasons, you can't change the WB on a JPEG like you can on a raw image. |
![]() Thanks for the corrections. I've done very limited RAW picture-taking with my Canon G1X. I haven't seen the benefit yet (I'm not saying there isn't any!), and it does slow things down. I knew that RAW was a kinda-sorta pre-processed data file, but didn't know the details. Thanks. Just to amplify what you said: Steve Dunn , Mar 02, 2011; 02:54 p.m. The cheap CC is $10/month here. It's a lot for something that I might use once or twice a year (if that). We use the TV every day. ;-) But thanks for the reminder. $120/yr is a lot better than $500+ every couple of years or so. Cheers, Scott. (Who only has intentional exposure to Adobe software these days via its PDF stuff, and that has gotten to be about the most horrible way to fill out a simple form ever invented.) |
![]() Not PS, LR. You can set a white point and apply it to all your pictures. ETA: More specifically, you can copy and paste adjustments (crop/rotate, colour, gradients, spot removals, etc. - basically anything you can do to an image in LR, you can C&P) from image to image (or images), and you can save them as presets, and stuff like that. |
![]() That is perfectly fine. I have never said here or elsewhere that anyone should be using Linux come hell or high water. It is the blanket not ready for *the* desktop I tend to take umbrage with as it completely discount the massive effort that has been put in to come up with what is now a quite functional alternative to most common tasks. (And I do have an iPod 3G kicking around somewhere...) |
![]() Download. It's much less painful for me to use than PP07, for example. But it's still not a perfect match for all weird MSOffice files... Cheers, Scott. |
![]() Despite any preferential disputes about the menu organization, there are areas where it is much better than MS Office for regular work, especially on text documents. Style management and application is much more consistent and a lot easier to use. None of the make 'em up as we go along styles like Word. If you need formulas, OO/LO are ahead by miles. And, it is actually quite good at recovering MSO originated files that Word/Excel started puking on for whatever reason. Base is no equivalent to Acccess, but then I've been doing my level best for the last 10 years to kill those databases off, so, no loss there >:-) |
![]() Do they have a reasonable substitute for visio? I'm really only interested in flow charting and UML. I seem to remember they had a draw option that did ok. I don't recall if it had UML options. I'm doing database stuff now so I could use toys for that as well. Visio can do what I need. My home visio is an old msdn version (same as work version) and I don't know if it will survive the change to windows {whatever's in vogue when 7 collapses). I don't want to pay for another windows version of the same thing I already have to be independent of my work machine. "Religion, n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable." ~ AMBROSE BIERCE (1842-1914) |
![]() Does this help? You love LibreOffice and OpenOffice, but you still use Visio to make drawings. Why? Because none of the shapes you need are easily available. Until now. HTH! Cheers, Scott. |
![]() I'll check it out when I get a decent linux box going at home. At work I have to use their setup and no other. Thanks! "Religion, n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable." ~ AMBROSE BIERCE (1842-1914) |
![]() |
![]() I've always used Diagram. It had working attachment points way back when. It still meets my needs so I have not looked for alternatives. |