He changed his mind on the flag. He's not unreachable. ;-)
:-) Hey, it's a diversion.
He changed his mind on the flag. He's not unreachable. ;-) Cheers, Scott. |
My interpretation of history is different from you two.
Where you see the DLC as sort of a "center-left" organization whose claim to fame is that they are "not as bad as the Republicans"™, I see it this way: The Democratic Party was tired of seeing its Liberal presidential candidates get beaten. So after Mondale got landslided, some Southern Democrats decided to build up this organization called the (S)DLC to swing the Democratic Party far to the Right because they believed "Liberals are costing us Democratic Presidential victories." Up to that point, we had only a one-term Conservative Democrat win in 1976 and then fail to get re-elected. The (S)DLC decided the Democratic Party had to move even further Right. How to do this? A brilliant idea was hatched: Super Tuesday would give the Extreme Right Wing of the Democratic Party *a lot of say* in who would be the Democratic Party's nominee and thwart those evil Northern and Coastal Liberal Bastards in their efforts to nominate one of their own. And it has worked exceedingly well. That's how we end up with these, to be charitable, "Eisenhower Republicans" as Democratic Party nominees. The DLC decided that the Democratic Party should be the party of the shareholder class instead of the party of the working class and they made it so. That is a betrayal of everything the Democratic Party stood for up until about 1985. That's how we went from getting candidates like FDR and LBJ (whom, I'm sure you and Rand would say, "sold us the unicorns and rainbows" of Medicare) to candidates like the Clintons and Obama who've given us repeal of Glass-Stegall, the "end of Welfare as we know it", an IRS fine if you don't pay a private corporation a profit, and so on. It sickens me. I heard someone the other day say something about Bernie not belonging to today's democratic party, but he did belong to the Democratic Party of around 1965. I think that's pretty much it. I don't like Eisenhower Republicans anymore than I like Reagan Republicans and I'll be damned if I ever vote for another one, regardless of party affiliation. |
Maybe this explains your thought process, too?
EconWatcher: EconWatcher says: It would explain a few things... ;-) Cheers, Scott. |
Maybe, but the top post is nonsense.
I can't honestly say that I don't largely agree with the posted comment. I've never been ashamed of my Marxist roots. But the accusation that Sanders is indifferent "to wonky policy issues" is baseless. If he "isn't into details" how did he become "The King of Amendments"? The author of that comment you posted has clearly accepted as true the establishment media's spinning of the Sanders Daily News interview. While I'd agree Bernie's interview was a disaster for the Daily News whose questions were filled with fallacies designed exclusively to try to trip Sanders up, I thought Bernie's performance was not great but nowhere near what the establishment media is pitching in their efforts to hoist Hillary to the top of the ticket. The Daily News is and always has been a worthless rag. Even some of Sanders' detractors have started calling out the Daily News (even Hillary's New York Times). But, monied interests (read: Clinton campaign contributors) own the major media and CNN's owner is Hillary's eighth largest campaign contributor (behind all those Wall Street banks, of course), so it is to be expected. Here's a little "balance" to add to the story. A notion is rapidly crystallizing among the national media that Bernie Sanders majorly bungled an interview with the editorial board of the New York Daily News. His rival, Hillary Clinton, has even sent a transcript of the interview to supporters as part of a fundraising push. A close look at that transcript, though, suggests the media may be getting worked up over nothing. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-daily-news_us_5704779ce4b0a506064d8df5 The mainstream media has been gleefully tearing into Bernie Sanders after taking quotes out of context from an interview with tabloid magazine New York Daily News. Mother Jones ran an article with the headline of “The New York Daily News Just Hit Sanders Where It Hurts” and The Washington Post ran one called “This New York Daily News Interview was pretty close to a disaster for Bernie Sanders.” http://usuncut.com/politics/ny-daily-news-argument-destroyed-cnn/ |
Of course it's nonsense.
Anything that considers leadership can be anything other than a right wing, conservative to a greater or lesser degree, mouthpiece for big money is a demand for purity. Anything that leads away from a feudal system involves unicorns and rainbows. These guys are good with it; they've got theirs. Everybody else can just suck it up; there's no other way. It's over. There's no hope. "Religion, n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable." ~ AMBROSE BIERCE (1842-1914) |