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New Last time they called...
I played along for a while until we got to typing in the url, which I was supposed to type into the address bar. So...

Them: type in mypctechsupport.c0m in the browser

Me: Heyyy! It says mypctechsupport.c0m is a scam!
Them: What?! Where did you type that?
Me: In the Google internet box in the middle of the screen.
Them: No! no! no! no! no!


Edit: Ick! Didn't realize those domains would turn into real links :-/
Expand Edited by scoenye Dec. 17, 2015, 10:25:54 PM EST
New Genius. :-)
New I always either tell them I am with the FBI or treasury department and ask for a call back number
sometimes a dumbass will give me a supervisors number so I call and act like cop++ with a computer security background. Been hung up on by the best.
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
New Outstanding! :)

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

-- Isaac Asimov
     "Tech Support" company iYogi sued by Washington - (Andrew Grygus) - (4)
         Last time they called... - (scoenye) - (3)
             Genius. :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
             I always either tell them I am with the FBI or treasury department and ask for a call back number - (boxley)
             Outstanding! :) -NT - (a6l6e6x)

But don't you come 'round here thinking you can add to the Holy Fortune Cookies.
123 ms