Post #406,851
12/9/15 5:24:01 PM
Someone asked earlier what you would do if Bernie endorses HRC.
Would you still vote for Cruz or Trump then? Or would you still refuse to vote for the Democratic nominee? I don't recall your answer.
In the primaries, one should vote the candidate. In the general, one should vote the party. To do otherwise is counter-productive in almost every case.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #406,852
12/9/15 6:02:59 PM
Mike gets a free symbolic vote.
Indiana will vote Republican even if Satan is the candidate.
The same for me in SC where there is a 2 to 1 Repo advantage.
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #406,870
12/10/15 8:34:10 AM
I believe I said I didn't know for certain. And Alex is right - mostly.
Although if the youth can still manage to trust our political system enough to participate after the betrayal of Obama, then Indiana could go for the Democratic candidate again as it did in 2008. But that would be if and only if Bernie is the candidate. However, the "hope for change" candidate that conned the youth vote in 2008 and left them so disillusioned with the process that Indiana went back to it's normal Red status in 2012 may have done so much damage to the prospects for a real progressive that Indiana will forever be as Alex described it, Red until the end. This effect, you will recall, I accurately predicted when I warned of nominating Obama - that if elected and allowed to pass for a progressive, no progressive would ever have a chance again. I hope Bernie proves me wrong, but the road Obama paved for a real progressive is an extremely difficult one to navigate. Clinton has about as much chance of carrying Indiana as she does of getting my vote in the primary.
But to your question. I'd be disappointed if Bernie endorsed Clinton, although he'll probably do it if she beats him in the primary. (Aside: I understand there's already been some back-room dealing with Super Delegates by the Clinton campaign and that "helps her cause" as well). The election is a long way off, but were it today and it was Clinton vs $RW_AH, I'd sit it out.
Post #406,871
12/10/15 10:21:32 AM
As the parent of a 21yo
Obama is not seen as a traitor, and Bernie is alive and well.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #406,873
12/10/15 10:25:37 AM
Heh. My 23 yo and 25 yo disagree.
Of course, of course, you'll say that's my influence. But I can assure you, with both of them having been away from me at college the last 5 years, my influence with them is marginal at best. ;0)
Post #406,874
12/10/15 10:27:19 AM
I work with an office full of 20-and-30-somethings
All of whom share my son's opinion. I suspect your influence on your progeny is greater than you will admit.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #406,875
12/10/15 10:32:42 AM
Not to mention the China connection.
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #406,877
12/10/15 10:35:30 AM
No denying that.
Post #406,876
12/10/15 10:32:46 AM
Perhaps with the youngest.
But, the oldest is in Hillary's camp! And believe me, I had *nothing* to do with that. She feels Bernie is too left for her tastes, but concedes that Obama failed to deliver on his progressive promises - probably much to her delight I'm afraid to say.
I work with several 20-30 yos but nearly all of them are fans of Fox News who think Hillary is a flaming liberal and Bernie is a Communist.
Post #406,882
12/10/15 3:08:08 PM
Ah, you work with the thickos, then.
I bet a non-trivial subset of them are cheering the national embarrassment that happened yesterday in front of the Senate Science Committee.
Post #406,883
12/10/15 3:50:30 PM
I don't think they're curious enough to even know about that.
If Fox doesn't report on it and Rush Limbaugh doesn't say anything about it, then they've never heard of it. If either does say anything about it, it will be swallowed entirely without question.
Post #406,885
12/10/15 4:22:19 PM
Dunno if it's lack of curiosity, but siloing of news is a big problem. :-(
Post #406,886
12/10/15 6:47:04 PM
Millennials feel the Bern.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.