... with the Trump incarnation of (just another day in Hypocrisyville.)

Trump promises that (in between bouts of enhanced-waterboarding:
should any of these ISIS-symp mothers-with-subversive-tykes be allowed in, via the Kenyan Usurper? say)
He Will be certain to Send Them Back.

aka You bet your ass! they'll be going back..

Loud HUZZA!!s trump-eted by the audience. The Techno allows-nay-Insists our hearing verbatim the utter ruthlessness of the entire slate of misfits vying for this former 'political party' now unmasked as 1930s hooligans, recently thawed from some LN-bath.

This disgusting episode was followed by: a recap of the 10-14-14 Chi shooting of the 17 yo SIXTEEN times, etc.
Video expected today in Chi (unless it secedes from the State, the dis-USA and any other social construct ..first.)

Am so Not-ready for the impending season of enforced mob-gaiety (or for getting within a mile of a mall) as the deterioration rate hikes-^Up^ another notch, as the vox populi gets surlier and as Brown-shirtier-as-rhymes-with-Dirtier. And as the across-street neighbor completes his back fence/wall--of a doubtless gated compound--complete with 'ADT' sign {the anti-Welcome Mat?}