Non-guilt seconded here, re ignoring gadgets + a PS on du Pré
(Besides, the fun in all that is {..a holy phrase for one R.P. Feynman} the pleasure of finding things out.
Butcha needn't find-out some one thing, 100X.
I now consign n fixable objects to recycle; many just to remove one more from my horizon (so I can glance momentarily at today's newest homo-sap fucked-tribe obscenities in livid-4G Cheney-colour. )
Daily across the U.S. some bitchin Tektronix, hP and other standard-Standards are relegated similarly (while physics hasn't changed much and all were/are quite Useful: but only to tribes not yet entirely plugged-in 17/24 to computer generated sonic mass-distractions.
I suspected we'd go out with mondo whimpers ..but not with non-stop pewlings and appeals to the great-god Mammon (that predator who eats your guts from-the-inside-out.)
PS: KDFC, the once S.F. classical FM station which went dark for years of Not One!/in the so-called Paris of the West: Now is web-wide and organized, part-funded by USC! in your bailiwick: now via crowds, worldwide one supposes.
Played Jacqueline's Elgar cello cto recently (unsure if I have a copy still) ... indeed the modern Yo Yo cannot raise the visceral goose-bumps of that tragic beauty's rendition which I heard as a new release.
From the first robot-pisno-machines onward, we are so fortunate to have preserved certain Masterful performances forever. (Amelita Galli-Curci, anyone? a colorature soprano to Die-for: once seen live by My Gramma.)
Rescue something Still-alive today, especially something starving or recently abused by a biped. Often intentionally, as things fall apart with alacrity.
Screw the machines, except when you need one to get out of quicksand.