World Affairs Council on NPR
Robert Gates and Michele Flournoy

The United States is currently facing many foreign policy and national security challenges.ISIS continues to threaten security and regional stability. The Syrian civil war looks no closer toResolution and is now creating a refugee crisis. And the United States? nascent nuclear deal with Iran still faces many hurdles. Amidst all of this, the candidates are gearing up for the U.S. presidential election next year.
Summaries of the mischief of Maliki, the idiocy of the Congress sending directly-interfering letters to Iran ... and a host of other problems as outline the appalling state of non-Statesmanship everywhere.
Here, IMO he is articulate, informative ..sane without being glib. His calm exposition could be the Unit of Anti-TeaParty {::Matter/Antimatter} example of discourse. FWIW

WorldAffairs is broadcast every Monday night at 8:00 PM on KQED public radio (88.5 FM) in San Francisco and then available for rebroadcast nationwide. (As noted here.)