Sadly, just a few rather simple factoids like these are pretty discouraging
to anyone with a a soupçon of clear comprehension of just some basic math, not very complex physics and ... a close look at the historical-fact that Waste has been the rich-countries' Largest and most consistent Product, ever since Conspicuous Consumption became the general indicator of Mine's Bigger, for the billions living high on that perennial hog.
Changing such habits of so many/so quickly is likely a task well beyond the most manipulative-minds who fancy their mob-psych. skillz. Probably our best Hope would be for a demi-Tragedy
{I can't conjure up an outline for one of those}
just adequate to Get the ATTENTION of *ALL* of us complicit co-conspirators/facilitators of what may prove to *have been:
the Final gross-error of all previous human 'fantasies of the futchah''. That which aimed us *Here*.
*How's That! for fun-with the subjunctive tense, word-jockeys?