Won't attempt any summary, but think that the HD close-ups provide some insight into Putin's masterful observance (and use of) body language, while also delivering polished, sometimes even incisive ripostes ... often peppered with, "I've already mentioned ___ [twice (say) and will give a third". Unclear if any pre-question-lists were exchanged.
I expect the Part 1 should be on Rose's site and Part 2 is tomorrow. The transliterated Russian demonstrates quite literate nuances, as P. gives his rationale for supporting [the Syrian Tyrantâ„¢] nor is his reasoning all that specious (I thought) in focussing on the problems of (say) the US AGAIN decapitating a Head-of-State, leaving a vacuum and a destroyed physical/political infrastructure ... because He's a Bad Guy.
Putin makes his case about all post-ISIS plans needing to be comprehensive and agreed-on: before the guns ... THIS time
[He reminds: that Assad's forces in Syria are the only forces (not fighting just each nearby splinter group) in Syria rright now.]
We know the drill/what's Our '15 rebuttal? given the unravelling of now BOTH of our nation building failures (by a Cowboy and his Shogun.)
All these religio-seppuku Green Table ballet games now incipient ... as we wonder what sort of Insane Clown Posse [oh Wait --that's been taken] might 'govern' the dis-US --??-- in a bit more than a year.
{{Sheesh}} it Sucks to see how quickly homo-sap tribes regress to full-bore-Medieval-ness. How do I get outta this chiicken outfit? my Remote has no Alt-Mode button
Ed: oTpy
I expect the Part 1 should be on Rose's site and Part 2 is tomorrow. The transliterated Russian demonstrates quite literate nuances, as P. gives his rationale for supporting [the Syrian Tyrantâ„¢] nor is his reasoning all that specious (I thought) in focussing on the problems of (say) the US AGAIN decapitating a Head-of-State, leaving a vacuum and a destroyed physical/political infrastructure ... because He's a Bad Guy.
Putin makes his case about all post-ISIS plans needing to be comprehensive and agreed-on: before the guns ... THIS time
[He reminds: that Assad's forces in Syria are the only forces (not fighting just each nearby splinter group) in Syria rright now.]
We know the drill/what's Our '15 rebuttal? given the unravelling of now BOTH of our nation building failures (by a Cowboy and his Shogun.)
All these religio-seppuku Green Table ballet games now incipient ... as we wonder what sort of Insane Clown Posse [oh Wait --that's been taken] might 'govern' the dis-US --??-- in a bit more than a year.
{{Sheesh}} it Sucks to see how quickly homo-sap tribes regress to full-bore-Medieval-ness. How do I get outta this chiicken outfit? my Remote has no Alt-Mode button
Ed: oTpy