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New Lengthy.. ie 2-Part Putin + Charlie Rose confab
Won't attempt any summary, but think that the HD close-ups provide some insight into Putin's masterful observance (and use of) body language, while also delivering polished, sometimes even incisive ripostes ... often peppered with, "I've already mentioned ___ [twice (say) and will give a third". Unclear if any pre-question-lists were exchanged.

I expect the Part 1 should be on Rose's site and Part 2 is tomorrow. The transliterated Russian demonstrates quite literate nuances, as P. gives his rationale for supporting [the Syrian Tyrantâ„¢] nor is his reasoning all that specious (I thought) in focussing on the problems of (say) the US AGAIN decapitating a Head-of-State, leaving a vacuum and a destroyed physical/political infrastructure ... because He's a Bad Guy.

Putin makes his case about all post-ISIS plans needing to be comprehensive and agreed-on: before the guns ... THIS time
[He reminds: that Assad's forces in Syria are the only forces (not fighting just each nearby splinter group) in Syria rright now.]

We know the drill/what's Our '15 rebuttal? given the unravelling of now BOTH of our nation building failures (by a Cowboy and his Shogun.)

All these religio-seppuku Green Table ballet games now incipient ... as we wonder what sort of Insane Clown Posse [oh Wait --that's been taken] might 'govern' the dis-US --??-- in a bit more than a year.
{{Sheesh}} it Sucks to see how quickly homo-sap tribes regress to full-bore-Medieval-ness. How do I get outta this chiicken outfit? my Remote has no Alt-Mode button

Ed: oTpy

If the ISIS disinfection goes all wonky, because the Kristols, Wolfowitz NeoConmen are allowed to start tossing grenades--which is all they ever know to do--well. you know ...
Expand Edited by Ashton Sept. 29, 2015, 03:42:12 AM EDT
New Our narrative on this is ridiculous.
I heard a segment on NPR this morning of an interview with a woman who was a former Obama Admin official in some capacity (I think Defense, but am unsure and haven't looked it up yet). But she made a comment that, if true, implies that it when comes to being disingenuous, the Obama Administration is without peer. Her exact words elude me (and I will look this up later as time permits) but her implication was that Obama and his administration are "convinced" that the "only way" to defeat ISIS is to remove al-Assad because "al-Assad is the motivation for ISIS." Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot? ISIS started in Iraq arguably because of our policies. Whether or not you choose to believe the preponderance of evidence that suggests we are largely responsible for the rise of ISIS, their rise in Iraq (and expansion to other regions) clearly had nothing to do with al-Assad. If this terrible misinterpretation is not willfully propaganda and is, in fact, what our "intelligence community" really believes, it is a very sad statement on the state of our foreign policy and "intelligence" capabilities.
New well our administration is convinced that Sunni
is a method of frying eggs.
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
     Lengthy.. ie 2-Part Putin + Charlie Rose confab - (Ashton) - (2)
         Our narrative on this is ridiculous. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
             well our administration is convinced that Sunni - (boxley)

The pursuit of balance can create imbalance because sometimes something is true.
129 ms