Because my current employer now needs someone to replace me. I resigned today.
First time I've actually resigned from a job, which was a much more nerve-wracking experience than the job interviews, go figure.
Yep, I'm changing jobs. Still doing similar Data Warehousing things, but it's a slightly expanded role with more design/data modelling stuff.
The Upside: It's in the city, so it'll take about 30 mins off my travelling time each day.
The Ummside: It's Windows. (The server is, the database isn't. Phew.) So, having set my principles aside, you may power up your ostracisation guns now. :)
Only a dinky pay rise (for which, in this economic environment, I'm quite grateful) but it seems to offer a lot more possibilities. Like using all my power of persuasion to get a Unix box of some sort in there :-)