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New And then there was Bert Kaplan
Nice guy, by all accounts, and a well-respected scholar. Deadly lecturer, though. I lasted just one hour before I dropped his class, and count myself lucky to have survived those interminable five dozen minutes, although a substrate of "youthful experimentation" may have strengthened my fibre. Others were not so fortunate. Dozens of comatose undergraduates were laid out like cordwood on the Stevenson quad. Some recovered; others were impaired to some degree for years; a few remained ever after in a "persistent vegetative state." Three or four expired even before the paramedics arrived. I've heard rumors that some of the survivors subsequently became Republicans, but I'd like not to credit this.

So yeah, bad lecturers can make for bad pedagogy. We do not, however, abolish surgery following the occasional malpractice suit.

New Yeah but
We do adopt new surgical procedures when the outcomes are better. Think laparoscopic versus traditional gall bladder removal.
     I do not WANT to be a fucking reactionary - (rcareaga) - (15)
         read the book, pass the test fsck the lecture -NT - (boxley)
         Active Learning pedagogies do create better outcomes - (gcareaga) - (8)
             disagree - (rcareaga) - (6)
                 That's comparing apples to road apples - (gcareaga) - (5)
                     then let's give up - (rcareaga) - (4)
                         gonna do that make it free and open to everyone - (boxley)
                         No - (gcareaga) - (2)
                             And then there was Bert Kaplan - (rcareaga) - (1)
                                 Yeah but - (gcareaga)
             Depends on the subject - (malraux)
         Yes, lectures are "unfair". - (Another Scott) - (4)
             Weeder classes - (gcareaga)
             Duplicate - (gcareaga) - (1)
                 rofl. :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
             Fully agree! - (a6l6e6x)

77 ms