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New Oh yeah, they drive around that way
I had to go look up the term after seeing it on the back of a car I was behind. The rear wheels where tilted in close to 30 degrees, with rims wider than the tires - and by the way, how to they even stay on? Based on Scott's image I guess sometimes they don't.

Anyway, on the back window was written, "My fitment is tighter than your girlfriend's vagina."

I assumed it had something to do with his ridiculous car, and looked it up to see what it was.

I'm seeing more and more of these guys driving around on the inside corners of their tires. Is it just for the look, or does it allegedly have some performance benefit, like for drifting or something? (Not that any of these guys actually do it, of course.)

New On a racetrack, yes
There, camber is set so the tires become flush with the road under cornering loads. But that's under limit of traction conditions and the angle is set for each track specifically. At road speeds, that kind of excess is useless. All it does is make the inside wear out faster.

My best guess is that, given they do not even clear the sheet metal standing still, that is the only way for the car to remain usable (and YMM really V).
New About what I figured
1. Identify a track-only mod.
2. Sell to idiots for use on street-only cars.
3. Profit like a motherfucker.

     Dumb-ass trendylicious word of the day: fitment - (drook) - (6)
         I think it's a pretty standard term in that piece of the world. - (Another Scott) - (5)
             Quite common at any parts store - (scoenye)
             Dubbers are loons - (pwhysall) - (3)
                 Oh yeah, they drive around that way - (drook) - (2)
                     On a racetrack, yes - (scoenye) - (1)
                         About what I figured - (drook)

We're gonna make this night... last fo-evah!
107 ms