Saw it monday night.

Brandi's got about 80% of it. They don't come out and lay out the political situation for you, but it makes a fair amount of sense if you think about it (and you DO have to think about it - he doesn't just drop it on the floor in front of you and say "Here it is!" Um, actually, one person does, but nobody important believes him. Which was his intent, IMO.)

Good fight sequences, although I found the suspension of belief starting to wear a bit thin in a certain fight sequence right before the clone army shows up. I can understand the Jedi holding their own, but... One person should have been a grease spot on the sand, IMO.

Lucas can't write dialog to save his life.

Best review I've read so far: If A New Hope is The Hero With a Thousand Faces then Attack of the clones is The McLaughlin Group - lots of politics that makes not much sense.

Yoda does indeed open up an industrial-sized can of whoop-ass - in exactly the manner I'd expect of him, too. That old crotchety Jedi attitude was just that - attitude.

Figured as much.