IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New Agreed on that, but it is not spying.
New Aye, no argument there.
New But could they?
I'll admit I installed the management software because I just can't be bothered carrying two phones. I'm not worried about privacy because I'm not the kind of person who puts things on the internet I don't want people to know. (Yes, I know the contents of my address book are valuable to spammers; I'm talking about what someone at work would care about.)

The current story is talking about your phone being wiped. But could they monitor if they wanted to, technically and according to the terms I (probably) agreed to?

New Not according to the device administrator API

Besides allowing the remote wipe, it primarily enforces corporate password policies.

Now, if they make you install anything else...
     How HR spies on you, even when you're not at work - (lincoln) - (12)
         This is Microsoft more than HR - (scoenye) - (11)
             It's not a technical issue - (pwhysall) - (4)
                 Agreed on that, but it is not spying. -NT - (scoenye) - (3)
                     Aye, no argument there. -NT - (pwhysall) - (2)
                         But could they? - (drook) - (1)
                             Not according to the device administrator API - (scoenye)
             Android Admin. - (static) - (5)
                 Got a link to that two profiles app? -NT - (drook) - (2)
                     I think it's this one. - (static) - (1)
                         OK, wouldn't work for me - (drook)
                 How does that work? - (pwhysall)
                 Re: second account. - (mmoffitt)

I bellied up to the sandbar, and he poured me the usual: Rusty Snail, hold the grunion, shaken, not stirred. With a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich on the side - heavy on the mako.
36 ms