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New Land of milk and honey, streets paved with gold
that is what the immigrants were told about the USA. Then they got here, looked for jobs, and tried to make a living. Not finding milk and honey, nor gold streets. All the while the natives of this land got their land taken over, etc.

The truth is it was never the good old days, it was just selective memory from the old timers. They only want to remember the good things and the good times, and forget about the bad things and the bad times. Get real, it may s*ck here in the USA, but not as much as some other places in the world. Some places may be better, but very few.

The old USA has been going downhill for a while now, started in the 20th century real early, but it was there somewhat in the 19th century. In the 18th century our forefathers saw it, but decided not to do anything about it and use it to form a revolution. We got more rights, and priviliages, but traded one curropt system for another. Slowly the curroption built and people took advantage of their wealth. First it was the slave owners who used slave labor for their business, then the Native Americans got shafted when people needed their land, then businesses got rich off the hard work of others. Then we came up with unions, minimum wage, child labor laws, etc to make it better for a while, but soon that was ruined when they moved those jobs out of the country.

In short, it never was the good old days, just a less sh*ttier day than before.

Yes we have people here who are low in morals, but also in other countries as well. The USA has no monopoly on morally chaleged people.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Expand Edited by orion May 28, 2002, 08:02:46 PM EDT
New All systems are corrupt.
The systems are run by people. People are corruptable.

Our system has one huge flaw: Money is power.

Our system has one huge advantage: Educated individuals can ensure the system doesn't get too corrupt.

Unfortunately, we've progressed too far, too fast in the personal comfort department.

We have a nation of fat, dumb and happy "citizens". I say "citizens" because they are little more than consumer-sheep.

But they don't have to STAY that way.

But they WANT to stay that way.

Hence, we have corruption.

We have fewer than a handful of individuals who can see beyond themselves.
New They want, or THEY want?
Do the Consumer-Sheep want to stay that way, or do the holders of 90% of the capital want them to stay that way?

How do I avoid becoming a consumer-sheep or break out of the cycle? I am tired of being poor and working too hard to make someone else rich.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New Both
The few alphas out there are happier with consumer-sheep.

The consumer-sheep are happy if they're fat, warm and dumb.

Now, an example of someone who broke out of the cycle is Ghandi. He made a positive change in many people's lives. But he was not rich or fat and he was killed in the end.

If you're tired of being poor, go alpha. Feed off of the consumer-sheep.

Otherwise, your only option is to abandon the material things you think you need. Look into voluntary simplicity.

You can work on losing your consumer'ness or your sheep'ness first. Either one seems to lead to the other.

But it isn't easy. The popular culture is centered around consumption. We go out for dinner and a movie and so on.
     Americans think Americans have poor morals - (marlowe) - (20)
         Worse? - (Brandioch)
         It just figures - (orion)
         Of course morals in this country suck! - (boxley) - (2)
             Career Upper Income Parents - (orion)
             As above so below. - (Ashton)
         What can we say, we got no respect for iselfs - (screamer) - (14)
             The mission statement sounds religious in nature - (boxley) - (1)
                 Mega dittos, Bill... - (screamer)
             Land of milk and honey, streets paved with gold - (orion) - (3)
                 All systems are corrupt. - (Brandioch) - (2)
                     They want, or THEY want? - (orion) - (1)
                         Both - (Brandioch)
             You know full well where I stand on free speech. - (marlowe) - (6)
                 keep spreading the word - (boxley) - (2)
                     I did once, but hesistate to do it regularly. - (marlowe) - (1)
                         Minor definition quibble.. - (Ashton)
                 Oddly enough - agreement :-\ufffd - (Ashton)
                 Update: I think I'm gonna get kicked off soon. - (marlowe) - (1)
                     You tried!!! - (screamer)
             My take on that quote - (ben_tilly)

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