Hmm.. Cyrillic in Moz?
Recall vaguely the travails of setting up a friend's machine (in Win 3.1x then), finding fonts all over Europe - so she could read Cyrilic text from Russia (plus prelim Eng. translation), receive ditto in both English and orig. Russian (occasionally Ukrainian?) for cleaning up the syntax in scientific papers. Fonts were for Word6 (which was essential to swap with Russ and also invoke the subtle editing modes available in colors) But the results were .zipped and sent as attachments, then.
Now I've forgotten the details.. Noted the option in Moz to switch to Cyrillic - which raises issue of which kb encoding.
When I tried to post a Cyrillic character via above switch.. this box got redrawn with smaller characters, but these were in Engrish unchanged.
Did you just switch to View|Character Coding|Cyrillic (Windows 1251) -- and paste in some Russ text from Pravda?
Wondering now, if there's a simple alternative to the sequences we needed back then (using DOS, Unix storage and the PINE e-mail system! to transmit back mostly English editing) ie in Moz - can we type-in Cyrillic via whatever kb map, see it displayed and.. send ? Guess I need to read about "language packs" at Moz for this.