A side effect of wire length... among other things...

[link|http://home.attbi.com/~greg.folkert/files/mk1small.png|mk1small.png] = Mark1 Powered Combat Armor 60x60 pixels

[link|http://home.attbi.com/~greg.folkert/files/mk1big.png|mk1big.png] = Mark1 Powered Combat Armor 707K

[link|http://home.attbi.com/~greg.folkert/files/mk2small.png|mk2small.png] = Mark2 Powered Combat Armor 60x60 pixels

[link|http://home.attbi.com/~greg.folkert/files/mk2big.png|mk2big.png] = Mark2 Powered Combat Armor Big 750K

Both are from the Games of Fallout and Fallout2.

I am recently on a quest to get the original artwork and models that they used for those games.

I am thinking about actually making some lightweight replicas of both for parties and Halloween. They'd be awesome. Can you imagine seeing one of those coming up to beg for treats???

Edit: I put the large ones I have up so you can see the detail better.