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New Thar be spoilers and rambling
I saw Ex Machina this weekend as well. I mostly liked it. I had the hardest time suspending disbelief over the titanium ID card. No biometrics, no two factor authentication into the sanctum sanctorum? I get it that the real security failure was hubris, but this was a lazy proxy.

I thought it was a bit too obvious up front that the asian woman was another android. I was hoping to be proven wrong.

The female lead when seen in profile wearing the short brown wig bore a strong resemblance to a younger Natalie Portman. I was reminded of the movie Sirens (1993), in which Tara Fitzgerald made r and I each think of Natalie Merchant.

As summer of 2015 mad billionaire AI movies go, it is a damn sight better than Avengers: Age of Raymond Reddington.

I also saw Mad Max: Fury Road this weekend. I was not of a mind to, but Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 99% fresh rating. Of 183 reviewers, only LaSalle from the SF Chron and some ponce from the UK didn't like it. I have a low opinion of LaSalle, but in this case he was right. The movie was visually striking with occasionally bad CGI (artifacts of downscaling some scenes intended for 3D?), a nearly non-existent plot, and Tom Hardy doing an extended glowering audition to succeed Daniel Craig as James Bond. Save your two hours and your cash.
New thanks for the mad max review, will wait for dvd $5 bin
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 59 years. meep
     "Ex Machina" - (rcareaga) - (5)
         So you liked it? :-) Excellent review. Thanks. -NT - (Another Scott)
         not directly related - (rcareaga)
         Thar be spoilers and rambling - (gcareaga) - (1)
             thanks for the mad max review, will wait for dvd $5 bin -NT - (boxley)
         further to "Ex Machina" - (rcareaga)

Well as long as I don't breathe, there's always a chance that I won't need oxygen.
33 ms