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New Alternate scenario for US flights
Don't forget that one of the 9/11 kneejerks was to allow the pilots to carry guns on board. Any flight attendant, male or female, will find themselves at a distinct disadvantage.
New Yep, it's the Silo-gladiators' problem..
Both armed, to protect from possible cohort neurasthenia [or Conscience..]
If one protests, drag his body over for a palm print and send off a dozen MIRVs
[because you and yours are already dead-almost. Unless that was a lie. Too.]

(Is that a variant of One True Scotsman?] I see no solution, only appearances-of.. Face it: we Are the lying animal.
Wanna be secure in transport? ox-cart (and be nice to the Ox.)
     Fallows/The Atlantic on air-crash philosophical knot - (Ashton) - (2)
         Alternate scenario for US flights - (scoenye) - (1)
             Yep, it's the Silo-gladiators' problem.. - (Ashton)

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