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New Calendar claim it is not 04/01 yet. I think it may be wrong
Now even your shit is not safe from Wall Street anymore


US researchers are investigating ways to extract the gold and precious metals from human faeces


Does that mean we can now charge for waste water instead of paying?
New That would work better in India . . .
. . where at fancy parties some dishes are decorated with bits of gold and silver foil.
New Hmm. Payment for our old electronics?
New We should be harvesting the phosporous.
     Calendar claim it is not 04/01 yet. I think it may be wrong - (scoenye) - (3)
         That would work better in India . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
             Hmm. Payment for our old electronics? -NT - (scoenye)
         We should be harvesting the phosporous. -NT - (static)

The last time he socialized with us, he got flamed like a mosquito in a bug zapper.
58 ms