I can live with that elevation of 2001
Its cinematography alone was stunning, orders/magnitude above all previous, most of those handicapped by skinflint budgets dictated by bizness droids hardly even acquainted with the genre. Plot left us in metaphysical-Land as well; superb that the 'meaning' was not spelled-out and orchestrated in minor keys. Went with congenial group; may have whispered re Monolith, ~ "not your Tabernacle choir", is it? But my 'time' began earlier; TDTESS (Earth-Stood-Still) precedes in importance, as well as via the circumstances/company at the first release: and its similar angles on the perfidy of the species, useful to hear at 15.
We privileged.. indeed. I feel--each day--the rise of the zombies to the levers of power, of nascent yet-more refined corruption, language murder and the likely successful further cowing of the 320M into voting-in/just as in Weimar, their own further hastening to become the 80% ? groveling-Class.
(My cup runneth over, too) I claim no prescience though a +twinge occurred when first I realized I should be quite content with career-ing with ex-academe cohorts, nor contemplate 'bizness' for sustenance! [I had heard that that word descends from something-like 'besigian': said to connote, active, worry, fatigue.] Pretty sheltered, eh? (YPB) those facing governance by throwbacks and grifters as have never held such pop-sway (except in S. Lewis's '35 fiction.) for the foreseeable. More rot will be needed before anything resembling core-Change can even begin. How much more? Beats moi.
Had we yout of yesterday entered-into sentience amidst the Shogunate, witnessed the devolutions along so many aspects as culminated in the overt-rapine of the Financial-criminal-Class, the destruction of parents' reliable savings (and my plumber's: just a couple day old tale) assuredly we would have been as disgusted as are the current crop, at least those already thinking and on a path to adulthood.
(I doubt that anyone can 'accept'/digest the current probabilities of our looming, mindless abandonment of any serious attempts to undo the costs of planetary rapine.) Affluenza doth make Cowards of (too fucking-many.) Equanimity demands that I simply tune-out mofos (after all, they aren't even Real.) Maybe there are sufficient Mensch material amidst the dulled many? Shan't worry pretty little head, am not into masochism.
Will join in some rejoicing of those opportunities snatched willy-nilly, when such an era as 2015 could not be imagined possible. Yes, we escaped even the nuke races, (though not giga-Curies of radionuclides, disposed of like used Kleenex. Those ... Last.) We may not gloat though, we were each 'accidents', right?