Something is broken on the Karma-machine.. I know you'd never kick a puppy, cat ... OK maybe a raccoon.
But to be interned in a zoo run by smart-ass youngTurks Fucks, with nothing at all on minds but to imagine a perfect-conformity to some made-up Psych-101 model from MBA tot-school, while one is also a provably sentient Being: leaves no other explanation (since clearly this sort of mental-midgetry is on the ascent all over the dis-US.)
Alas, this reminds of--from eons back--a worthy at The Phone Co. in SF, and his comments about their policy of regularly twitting those near retirement.. in hopes they will flat-Leave/save $$, all of which seemed unusually Crass ... back then. Clearly the switch is now fully accomplished: employees are Liabilities not Assets, and the new crop of lackadaisical callow yout have found their means for demonstrating that their ignorance beats anyone's knowledge. That mindset shall lead each to his own hideous denouement, but who can wait for that comeuppance? if Karma-itself has been hacked.
Obviously the collective (millions) are doomed. Alas, remedies I'd be prone to are all illegal, immoral or both, (but offer at least a certain and savage satisfiction.) I sincerely hope you can contrive to bear the countdown, sans irreversible damage to vital organs. Should you choose the massive excoriation route at some juncture? I'm good for bail, while matters get sorted (or even sordid.)
There but for the grace of random chance, in early choices..
But to be interned in a zoo run by smart-ass young
Alas, this reminds of--from eons back--a worthy at The Phone Co. in SF, and his comments about their policy of regularly twitting those near retirement.. in hopes they will flat-Leave/save $$, all of which seemed unusually Crass ... back then. Clearly the switch is now fully accomplished: employees are Liabilities not Assets, and the new crop of lackadaisical callow yout have found their means for demonstrating that their ignorance beats anyone's knowledge. That mindset shall lead each to his own hideous denouement, but who can wait for that comeuppance? if Karma-itself has been hacked.
Obviously the collective (millions) are doomed. Alas, remedies I'd be prone to are all illegal, immoral or both, (but offer at least a certain and savage satisfiction.) I sincerely hope you can contrive to bear the countdown, sans irreversible damage to vital organs. Should you choose the massive excoriation route at some juncture? I'm good for bail, while matters get sorted (or even sordid.)
There but for the grace of random chance, in early choices..