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New Stella quarta decima fulgeat
"May the Fourteenth Star Shine Bright," the proposed Latin motto for what we all assumed to be the particularly enlightened state of Vermont, the fourteenth to be admitted to the Union. The proposal in the state legislature has generated more heat than light. Let's just say that the fourteenth state will find it difficult to shine brightly with all these dim bulbs in residence:
Dorothy Lynn Lepisto: “I thought Vermont was American not Latin? Does any Latin places have American mottos?”

Norman Flanders: “What next Arab motto??”

Kevin P. Hahn: “How about ‘go back south of the boarder'”

Richard Mason: “We are AMERICANS, not latins, why not come up with a Vermont motto that is actually from us”

Judy Lamoureux: “Throw him out of the country tell him to take obama with him!”

Phil Salzano: “My question is, are we Latin, or are we Vermonters? Alright then, English it is…..”

Lori Olds: “I thought this was USA why are they trying to make Americans aliens”

Chris Ferro: “That’s a BIG NO, if you live in the United State YOU need to learn ENGLISH!!”
A secondary link takes us to another nativist dissenter who emphasizes the importance of the melting pot, and the imperative of foreigners mastering English, because "when in Rome, do as the Romans do."

I'm waiting for these fuckwits to notice that the coinage says "E pluribus unum." Surely we should swap in "America, fuck yeah!"

cordially (from the mediaeval Latin cordialis),
New Dan Zucker for the win.

i don't speak ATHEIST.


New Ahh... the Take Back Vermont crowd...
So said the signs the True Believers (tm) nailed to their barns and houses when the civil union bill was passed. It then blew up in their faces because tourists thought they meant "take home more maple syrup".
New :-)
New Somewhat atoning for the %beyond redemption
are the Onionesque ripostes; pity we can't tell how many of those came from inmates.

One supposes that the girl shall next require a bodyguard and flack-jacket (but only within the continental dis-US.)

Each day it becomes more embarrassing to be ID'd as Murican..
My original Euro tour, half a century back was via an A-H Sprite sporting GB license plates; just a convenient accident then,
but today surely a necessity if you don't want to explain to every native: a thousand Exceptionalisms.
     Stella quarta decima fulgeat - (rcareaga) - (4)
         Dan Zucker for the win. - (Another Scott)
         Ahh... the Take Back Vermont crowd... - (scoenye) - (1)
             :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
         Somewhat atoning for the %beyond redemption - (Ashton)

Like many lawyers, he's overly fond of argument, even when in agreement. Not that anyone here would be into that...
49 ms