My late father-in-law (1925-2009) apparently had a lifetime subscription to “Guns & Ammo,” because five years after his death, issues of the magazine continue to be shot into our mailbox. He was on many another mailing list as well, with his name being bought and sold, and yesterday we received a copy of “The BUDK Catalog,” which appears to be aimed at an audience of white high school dropouts in early middle age who have small penises and big, homicidal dreams. Knives, brass knuckles, tasers, Confederate fetishes, and the sort of “facewarmer” that you or I might wear should we undertake an armed robbery—they’re all here. My favorite, though, is the entry for “Vietnam Jungle Boots…Tested in the Mekong Delta.” Yeah, tested by the losing side! Have these assholes never heard of Ho Chi Minh sandals?