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New I think I know how the Russians felt
To paraphrase one of [link|http://dmawww.epfl.ch/roso.mosaic/dm/murphy.html|Murphy's Laws of Combat]: No five-year plan survives contact with reality.

The PlanThe Reality
Year OneLeave the militaryYear OneCheck
 Get a "starter" job I was right: no one knows what to think of a military resume
 Buy a house Soon-to-be-ex-boss tells bank I won't be working there much longer. They nix the loan. Oops! Scramble. Friend of the family writes letter saying I'll be working for him.
   Finally get a job. Whew.
 Get married Check
Year TwoPay off last of my school loansYear TwoCheck
 Pay off last of her credit cards Get pregnant. Umm, aren't we skipping ahead a little?
Year ThreePay off last of my credit cardsYear ThreeMy car drops the transmission. Repairs exceed what was left on her credit cards.
 Get better job Check.
 Replace her car With what? It just went to paying off her credit cards (finally).
 Get pregnant Have the baby. Okay, she's worth all the broken plans in the world.
Year FourPay off last of her school loansYear FourNope, have to replace my car. Emissions system dies, timing belts are about to go.
 Finish remodeling house Downsized. Crap.
 Have baby Pregnant again \ufffd
Year FiveReplace my carYear Five 
 Get new house  
Microsoft offers them the one thing most business people will pay any price for - the ability to say "we had no choice - everyone's doing it that way." -- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=38978|Andrew Grygus]
Expand Edited by drewk May 24, 2002, 05:35:55 PM EDT
New 5 year plan?
Im lucky to have a 2 week plan and even they go awry. Basic planning
pay bills buy food save for rainy day. Expect rain daily or more often. Hope the local realestate market doesnt go down. Buy life insurance. Practice learning where everything is in a Home Depo and learn to mix paint.
New Don't see the contingency plan mentioned
Buy lottery tickets.

My odds of ever getting out of debt seem pretty close to the odds of my hitting the lottery.
"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does NOT mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country."
~ Theodore Roosevelt
New Yeah.. student loans..
Have at least one friend who'll never not-owe The Government.. for University-Corporation costs.

It's Murica's New Corporate-Improved Release of the former Universal Education - because an informed populace just might remain democratic at root ... now obsolete in the Era of prisons, medicine, schools -for Profit.

Murica 2002: Wanna buy a psyche.. cheap?


New You've done pretty well
The biggest mistake I see coming from the "plan it all out" crowd is to mistake a plan for a blueprint for the history they'll write at the other end.

A plan is a set of goals, and means of attaining same, which are set out in advance. This is done with some, but not perfect, understanding of what you're going to encounter on the way.

To hold to "The Plan" in the face of all facts is to suffer a serious delusion.

Instead, you set yourself a set of goals, and means of attaining same. When reality produced a different set of events, your plan enabled you to assess the situation and modify your goals, means, and plan, appropriately.

A rock-solid plan works for simple, short-term, frequently iterated projects for which there's a high degree of familiarity and a low level of variability. Your five year plan is more a voyage of expedition than a trip to the grocery store for milk, cereal, beer, and nappies.

Similarly, last summer's road trip had a few hard-set points (Bill's house on the 2nd, DC on the 3rd), but vast bits (Montana, Four Corners, Monument Valley) were more or less made up on the spot. Flats and lost exhaust hangers threw in a few curves, but no major disasters. Pad out your estimates for unexpected arrivals ;-)
Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?

   Keep software free.     Oppose the CBDTPA.     Kill S.2048 dead.
     I think I know how the Russians felt - (drewk) - (4)
         5 year plan? - (boxley)
         Don't see the contingency plan mentioned - (Silverlock)
         Yeah.. student loans.. - (Ashton)
         You've done pretty well - (kmself)

And on drums: The Pope!
42 ms