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New Saw something similar near Walden Pond one winter.
There was a huge frog partially buried in the mud out in the below-freezing cold. It was clearly alive, but very very stiff. The Alaskan frogs are an extreme example. A picture from that article:


New LRPD: Speaking of s l o w ... 'For Wade, it is to lag.'
Reminds also of those people, 'frozen into s l o w . . . m o t i o n' by some Bad-dope ..for years IIRC;
then, treated with a variant of the weird molecules found in the original,
returned almost to Normal. Sadly, it didn't last :-/

(Without Chemistry also too, there'd be nobody around to do Physics :-)
     Frozen tree frog - (drook) - (3)
         Jeez.. that's just how I felt - (Ashton)
         Saw something similar near Walden Pond one winter. - (Another Scott) - (1)
             LRPD: Speaking of s l o w ... 'For Wade, it is to lag.' - (Ashton)

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