perhaps when pondering what the worst? worst-enough Hell might be like.
Then there's Helen Keller, surely one of the most (H)eroic persons ever, due, indispensably to her dedicated and intelligent companion.

Maybe a pill shall happen which reverses psychopathy some. day. Meanwhile, this tiny band of utter-Incorrigibles may well ignite a religio-/politico-/worldwide Spasm-war (the original RAND-kind? or a facsimile.)
When the very concept of shame has been deadened ... the subconscious random thoughts within every ~normal homo-sap exhibits quite well to us just how dangerous even One Conscience-free aka Hitler can be.

No need for The Sky Has Fallen.. have we not always lived in parlous Times?
(As Command and Control documented to a fare-thee-well): only Luck is responsible for the remarkable Fact: that no nuke has yet been triggered accidentally, within those very many close-calls.

We shall have to hope that at least this level of dumb-Luck sustains the planetary House of Cards well beyond any Hope of the rational-odds sort, eh?