Wise words from both.. but we see that 13+ years later: there's ISIS and a new crop of despairing youn'uns whose ripeness for a fantasy escape transcends even their will to live. Hosni got ejected.. to be replaced with ... ...

It may be that, even if al-Sisi's more contemporary Wake-Up shall fall on premeditatedly deaf-ears too. No surprise there. But the focus on TEACHING is a lot more specific than the POV of Mubarak, and even there, al-S. doesnt Say This this simply, either.

What I see is that the MMO is There: awaitng only the last "Opportunity" to self-justify something like a pogrom, especially if (everyone's! Inner-nazi becomes stoked by escalating ISIS atrocities plus further success, compounded by planetary and Econ clusterfucks throughout the Rich slabs of land.

If Islam hews to Shrub-grade Stubbornness (about its emphases on the (inner-Nazi passages in that Quran) for the foreseeable? I have no doubt that there is enough corruption to go around and our own Western 'Swansee' secret confab for the demonstration of superior Power ... remains quite within that deck of failed-thus-far diplomatic cards.

(The whole techno-revolution is about speeding-up all Normal processes, as if for 'convenience' and higher profits) via Corporations eating the profits of that ever-rising efficiency curve: The casualty is, IMO the loss of patience on all fronts: for those s l o w processes of (civilizing even 'our Own'. I see a huge crap-shoot in the offing.

Hope I'm Rilly-wrong! about that Solution as opens up a new Tier in The Inferno, never envisaged by Dante :-/

We Begin--at Best--by greatly reducing Our nukes as the final carrot re. Iran.. also de-FUZING of India's/Paki's hysterical hair triggers: all at Once. If any Statesmen still exist anywhere. You can't force-ration these planet-killers for everyone-but-Yourself. That's Basic Reptile-brain Fact, I wot.

:-) :-/ == crap. shoot. Danger + Opportunity etc.

Ed: oTyp