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New Eventually, there will have to be a war against Islam.
It continues to fall ever more under the spell of the most violent extremists - and Muslims do little against it because that would be "against God".

Eventually even the freedom of religion folks will have to recognize that Islam has no concept of freedom of religion, only of killing anyone not allied with their particular sect. It is a deeply flawed religion.
New Dunno.
I heard someone argue on the radio recently that Islam is going through the same kinds of divisions and conflicts as Christianity did in Europe a few hundred years ago.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_wars_of_religion and so forth.

I think the thrust of the argument is that it's nothing new and it won't be resolved quickly.

76 died at the Branch Davidian compound. It didn't turn into a religious war.

There was a time when the Red Brigades and the rest seemed like they would always be with Europe. But they faded away. I expect IS and al Qaeda will as well, but it's going to take a long time. And something else will take its place.

It'll be "interesting" to see what happens in Saudi Arabia when Ghawar becomes too depleted to pump... (Probably less than 40 years if extractable reserves are 71 Bbbl and production is 5 Mbbl/day.)

New Needs a tipping-point--141 dead children; are they There? Yet..
Pakistan's incestuous relationship with Religio-fighters/terrorists has led them to shrug off such atrocities (politically and socially.)
BBC commentator avers that, just maybe This One is so ugly that even Pakistan Pols are getting many messages.
Pollyanna? perhaps, but one has to hope anyway.

Wonder what the Paki word is for opprobrium? OTOH in dis-US, those dead tykes 2 years ago had nary an effect on the gun-crazies-within.
Do we need a larger slaughter next? (has to be whites; black expendability is deeply ingrained as Normal here.)

tl;dr ... Horror Holocust, when sufficiently depraved and repetitive.. just might awaken enough sleepwalkers,
here AND over there. It's species-wide: sic transit sicko-species :-/ :-/

'End Times' can be spun lots of ways; 7B+ overpopulation surely catalyzes such brain-miasma because Life gets to be reeeel-cheap.
(Well in US, the final dying-weeks are the most expensive, but that's just a religious thing in capitalism.)
New cf. Static's recent link to book re an unauthorized bio
of Islam 'founding' and deifying; I may have to spend a couple bucks--it seems that their acolytes are particularly and peculiarly misinformed about their roots.
(As world religions go..) It's best to try to find a few Why?s ... might be a clue to some truthiness antidote to current death-wishes?
Ya never know. Beats the simple nuke solution though, in so many ways.
     Central Sydney seige in progress. - (Another Scott) - (13)
         'Bout a half-mile from where I work. - (static) - (1)
             Small world. - (Another Scott)
         Police have stormed the cafe... - (Another Scott) - (10)
             The more of this stuff that happens, ... - (mmoffitt) - (9)
                 Why they survive... - (hnick) - (2)
                     Amen! :) - (a6l6e6x)
                     It is definitely a bit also-ran. - (static)
                 This disconnect from Reason can't be parsed except from an even larger area of - (Ashton)
                 As if to underscore the point. - (mmoffitt) - (4)
                     Eventually, there will have to be a war against Islam. - (Andrew Grygus) - (3)
                         Dunno. - (Another Scott)
                         Needs a tipping-point--141 dead children; are they There? Yet.. - (Ashton)
                         cf. Static's recent link to book re an unauthorized bio - (Ashton)

Any movie with Tim Curry as The Lord of Darkness can't be all bad.
40 ms